
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Kategorie: ‘IT-Services’

Follow-up Report on the First CoRDI – Conference on Research Data Infrastructure

September 21st, 2023 | by
Coscine lecture at the CorDI with Katja Jansen

Source: Own illustration

For the first time, the “Conference on Research Data Infrastructure” took place in Karlsruhe from 12 to 14 September 2023. The conference was organised by the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) Association in cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and brought together national and international experts from various research fields and research data management infrastructures under the motto “Connecting Communities”. With numerous scientific talks, discussions, guest lectures, poster presentations and networking opportunities, the event focused on the comprehensive use of research data. Find out how Coscine integrated into the conference in this blog post.

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Archiving and Publishing Research Data: What’s the Difference?

August 24th, 2023 | by
Archive and Database

Source: Freepik

(Research) data are the basis of decisions and are becoming more and more important with today’s technologies and possibilities. Thus, the correct management and publication of research data is also taking on an increasingly important role. Two central concepts in this context are archiving and publishing research data. But what exactly do these concepts mean and how do they differ in the research process? In this article, we take a close look at the differences between archiving and publishing research data.

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Survey on the Future Development of the DataCite Metadata Schema

June 27th, 2023 | by
Symbolic image for the survey on the future development of the DataCite metadata schema

Source: Freepik

The DataCite team has launched a survey on the future design of the DataCite metadata schema. Have you participated yet?

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Research Data Day 2022 – Follow-up to Coscine – Fair in the Data Sea

December 1st, 2022 | by
The picture shows a sea, which is supposed to represent a sea of data, fitting for the event "guarantee in the data sea".

Event Coscine – FAIR guarantee in the data sea
Source: Own illustration

We continue with the follow-up report on the afternoon program of the Research Data Day 2022 held at the RWTH Aachen University. Just as last year, researchers from all over North Rhine-Westphalia were allowed to get a taste of the Coscine workshop and ask their questions about the platform for research data management. In this post, we have summarized the contents of the one-hour workshop for you. You can download the slides of the workshop on Zenodo.

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The Latest News All About Coscine

November 17th, 2022 | by
Researchers working on their laptops with coscine

Source: Own illustration

Since the last update in July of this year, a lot has happened in Coscine. To keep you up to date, this blog post summarizes the latest developments around the platform for research data management and looks back on the past months.

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Research Data Day on November 15, 2022

September 27th, 2022 | by
Info picture for the Research Data Day in NRW on 15 November 2022. Topic of the event: Lighthouse FDM: Orientation in the sea of data.

Lighthouse RDM: Orientation in the data sea

On November 15, 2022 the Research Data Day in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) will be held for the second time. This time, the motto of the event is “Lighthouse RDM: Orientation in the data sea“.

On this day, events on research data management (RDM) will be held throughout NRW and various universities will present their RDM offerings. The complete programme can be found on the website of the State Initiative for Research Data Management –

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Coscine Mailing List

July 14th, 2022 | by
Email messages mapped as network boards

Source: Freepik

Services are constantly evolving, and so is our research data integration platform Coscine. Those who do not want to miss updates, new features and further developments on Coscine have from now on the possibility to stay informed via the new Coscine mailing list.

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Nachbericht zum offenen FDM-Netzwerktreffen am 8. Dezember 2021

December 16th, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Nachbericht zum Offenen FDM-Netzwerktreffen am 08. Dezember 2021

Quelle: Pixabay

Am 08.12.2021 fand das letzte offene Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM)-Netzwerktreffen dieses Jahres mit dem fast schon traditionellen „Jahresrückblick“ online via Zoom statt. Das FDM-Team schaute zusammen mit den Data Stewards, FDM-Verantwortlichen und anderen FDM-Interessierten der RWTH zurück auf die zehn Sessions in 2021, tauschte sich zu den Plänen für das Jahr 2022 aus und ließ sich in vorweihnachtlicher Atmosphäre zu märchenhaften FDM-Fairy Tales inspirieren.

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Zero-Day-Sicherheitslücke – Abschaltung diverser Services

December 13th, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.


Quelle: Pixabay


Die Störung konnte behoben werden. Somit sind die unten genannten Services wieder erreichbar. Alle Informationen erhalten Sie unter folgender Störungsmeldung.

Aufgrund einer kritischen Zero-Day-Sicherheitslücke (Log4Shell) in der Java-Logging-Bibliothek Log4j wurde der Zugriff auf folgende Systeme bis auf weiteres (teilweise) gesperrt:

  • Coscine
  • GigaMove
  • Gitlab (teilweise)
  • Digitalarchiv (DaSi)

Wir sind mit dem Hersteller in Kontakt und arbeiten an einer schnellen Lösung.

Weitere Informationen und Updates können Sie der Störungsmeldung  entnehmen.

Bleiben Sie auch über unseren IT Center Twitter-Kanal für weitere Updates informiert.

Coscine: Linked Data Ressource und Pläne für die Zukunft

May 28th, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Auf dem IT Center Blog haben wir euch die Integrationsplattform Coscine und die FDS-Ressourcen bereits vorgestellt. In diesem Beitrag geht es nun um die Linked Data Ressource und unsere Pläne für Ressourcentypen in der Zukunft. Read the rest of this entry »