
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

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Effective Data Sharing With Coscine – Part 3

July 11th, 2024 | by
Logo of Coscine

Source: Coscine

In the second part of the blog series “Effective Data Sharing With Coscine“, we used the Coscine API to create a list of download links to research data in a resource. This list was converted into a structured markup format for better presentation and you learned about various options for displaying certain file types. In the third part, you will now learn how to build on this and create a web page to present your data. We will use the free services of GitHub or optionally GitLab to create and host a static website.


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First Advanced User Group Meeting of

April 25th, 2024 | by
Laptop & Merchandise articles of Coscine

Source: Own illustration

On April 22, 2024, it was time. The first advanced user meeting took place and the advisory board was appointed. In this follow-up report, we have summarized for you what the contents of the meeting were, who the users of are and what goals are being pursued in this project.

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RDM Highlights 2023

December 28th, 2023 | by
Champagne Glasses & Party

Source: Pixabay

Looking forward to the new year, we look back on an exciting 2023. What topics have fascinated and inspired the RDM community? The year was characterized by numerous interesting developments, and the importance of FDM continues to grow.

The year 2023 marks another milestone on the road to more effective and sustainable data management. We look forward to the coming year with excitement and hope for an equally exciting, informative and groundbreaking time in research data management.

In this blog post, you can find out which changes and events have raised awareness of RDM and generated excitement.


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October 12th, 2023 | by
Logo of Coscine

Source: Coscine

Progressive development in the research sector requires not only change, but also efficient cooperation between universities. In this striving for innovation and transparency, the pioneering project has taken on a crucial role for the 42 educational institutions in the network. In this blog post, you can find out what this project is all about and how the collaboration is supposed to work.

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Follow-up Report on the First CoRDI – Conference on Research Data Infrastructure

September 21st, 2023 | by
Coscine lecture at the CorDI with Katja Jansen

Source: Own illustration

For the first time, the “Conference on Research Data Infrastructure” took place in Karlsruhe from 12 to 14 September 2023. The conference was organised by the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) Association in cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and brought together national and international experts from various research fields and research data management infrastructures under the motto “Connecting Communities”. With numerous scientific talks, discussions, guest lectures, poster presentations and networking opportunities, the event focused on the comprehensive use of research data. Find out how Coscine integrated into the conference in this blog post.

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