
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Schlagwort: ‘ELN’

Follow-up Report on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network as part of Love Data Week

March 2nd, 2023 | by
The photo represents the key points such as date, topic, etc. for the network meeting on February 15, 2023 as part of Love Data Week.

Source: Own illustration; Freepik

The week before last was all in the name of love, or more precisely the love of data. For this reason, the regular Open Meeting of the RDM Network took place this time on February 15, 2023 as part of Love Data Week online via Zoom and was not only aimed at the data stewards, RDM officers and RDM interested parties at RWTH Aachen University, but also at external parties. In the meeting, participants were able to learn and exchange information about two approaches to digital support in RDM. You can read this and more in our latest Love Data Week follow-up report.

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What Does a Data Steward Actually Do? Part 3

February 16th, 2023 | by
Presentation with photo of Data Steward Katharina Grünwald

Katharina Grünwald in an interview. Source: Own illustration

The professional field of data stewards is exciting and versatile, which is why we don’t want to deprive our RDM blog readership of the third part of our series “What does a data steward actually do? In this interview, Ms. Katharina Grünwald answers our questions.

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What Does a Data Steward Actually Do?

July 28th, 2022 | by
Nicole Parks as Data Steward in Interview

Nicole Parks in interview
Source: Own illustration

Do you remember our Data Steward interview series? Two interesting interviews with insights into the job as a data steward appeared on the RDM blog back then. After a somewhat longer absence, we are now celebrating a new edition of the series and would like to immerse you again in the work of the data stewards at RWTH Aachen University, some of whom have recently joined us.

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New RWTH RDM Flyer

April 28th, 2022 | by
RWTH RDM flyer

Source: Own Illustration

The flyer for Research Data Management (RDM) has been given a new coat of paint. Once a bit outdated, the document has been put through its paces over the last six months of collaboration with Marketing and Event Management (Marie) and the RDM team, consisting of the IT Center’s Research Process & Data Management (RPDM) department and the University Library (UB), and finalized for the public. In this blog post, we would like to introduce you to our new RDM flyer.

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ELN – Electronic Lab Notebooks – Information & More

January 3rd, 2022 | by
Researchers compare sample with data in lab book

Source: Martin Braun

Some time ago, in the blog post „Nutzen Sie schon ein elektronisches Laborbuch?” (engl.: Do you already use an electronic lab notebook?) we reported on electronic lab notebooks and introduced you to the topic. Among other things, that post linked to an overview of the products available at the time. What has happened since then? Is there any news around ELNs for researchers and where can they get them? All of this will be covered in this blog post. You can also expect a listing of our previous posts on ELNs.

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Offenes FDM-Netzwerktreffen am 10. November 2021

November 4th, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.


Quelle: Unsplash

Am 10. November 2021 findet das offene FDM-Netzwerktreffen zum Thema „elektronische Laborbücher (ELN)“ statt.

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FDM-Flyer zum Download

September 11th, 2019 | by

Auf den im Frühsommer diesen Jahres neu gestalteten RWTH-Webseiten zum Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) steht nun auch ein zur Nachnutzung angebotener FDM-Info-Flyer für Sie zum Download bereit.

Der Flyer “Services und Dienstleistungen der RWTH zum Forschungsdatenmanagement” stellt neben Angeboten zur technischen Infrastruktur, Schulung und Beratung an der RWTH auch allgemeine Themen und Begriffe rund um das FDM vor.

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Nutzen Sie schon ein elektronisches Laborbuch?

May 8th, 2019 | by

In digitalisierten Forschungsumgebungen stellen elektronische Laborbücher (ELN) eine wichtige Schnittstelle zur Übertragung von gemessenen oder beobachteten Forschungsergebnissen in langfristig verfügbare und auswertbare Forschungsdaten dar. Die große Bandbreite und unterschiedliche Ausgestaltung der auf dem Markt befindlichen ELN-Lösungen spiegelt dabei auch die ausdifferenzierte Forschungslandschaft wieder.

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