Schlagwort: ‘Förderung’
Work of Base4NFDI Already in Full Swing

Source: Base4NFDI
At the beginning of March 2023, the funding of the consortia from the third round of calls for proposals has started. But Base4NFDI‘s work is already in full swing. The initiative supports and develops services that cannot be delivered NFDI-wide by individual consortia, but are needed by many. Applications for Base4NFDI funding – to initialize services, integrate services, and begin operations – will be available at least three times per year during the initial phase. The first round in 2023 is already in full swing.
The RDM Annual Review 2022

RDM Annual Review 2022
Source: Unsplash
We are fast approaching the turn of the year. Just before the corks pop, we would like to look back on an exciting and eventful 2022 and review the many changes, events and happenings in the field of Research Data Management. Before we face new challenges and changes in the new year… 🙂
The Series of Successes Continues – Funding for Consortia With RWTH Participation Approved
At the end of the year, there is not only something new to announce from the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), but also reason to rejoice for RWTH Aachen University. After we reported on the funding recommendation of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in July, the final decision on the future funded consortia of the 3rd round was made last month.
“FAIRThesis” Receives FCI Funding

Source: Freepik
The teaching project “FAIRThesis” by Prof. Sonja Herres-Pawlis (RWTH Aachen University) and Dr. Nicole Jung (KIT) receives funding from the Chemical Industry Fund (FCI). The project not only ensures a deepening in the field of Research Data Management (RDM) but also enables master and bachelor students to use the electronic laboratory journal Chemotion for research and final theses.
RDM Projects in Germany – EVER_RDM

Source: Freepik
The last article in our series on “RDM projects in Germany” (only available in German) was published over a year ago. Perhaps one or two of our readers can still remember it. Now it is time to dust off the series again and revive it, because there is a new project in which Research Data Danagement itself is the subject of investigation. May we introduce? Project EVER_RDM – Development and Dissemination of Research Data Management at Universities of Applied Sciences.
DFG Recommends Funding for 3 NFDI Consortia With RWTH Participation

The network shows the collaboration intentions between the consortia resulting from each application. The colors refer to the NFDI conference system: (1) medicine, (2) life sciences, (3) humanities and social sciences, (4) engineering and mathematics, (5) chemistry and physics.
Source: Own Illustration
New year, new luck! In the third round of calls for proposals, the DFG’s expert panel has recommended funding for several NFDI consortia. RWTH Aachen University is also high on the list this year. Find out which NFDI consortia have received a recommendation in this blog post.
One Year FAIR Data Spaces – What Has Happened so Far?

Source: Unsplash
In May, the “FAIR Data Spaces” project celebrated its first anniversary. The project application was submitted to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the beginning of April last year. The funding already started on May 17, 2021. Since then, the FAIR Data Spaces community has been built up and the first milestones have been reached together. In this blog post, we take a look at what has happened in the last year.
NFDI Basic Services: 3rd Round of Calls
The funding of NFDI Basic services is a highly topical and exciting subject. Just a few weeks ago, we reported on the schedule and the resulting reactions from the scientific community. This blog post will now focus on the third round of calls for proposals.
NFDI Basic Services: Schedule and Reactions

On our blog, we have already reported on the decoupling of NFDI Basic Services from the third round of calls for proposals. In the blog post NFDI-Basisdienste – Ein Überblick über die Entstehung und den weiteren Verlauf der Querschnittskonsortien (NFDI Basis Services – An overview of the emergence and further development of the cross-sectional consortia), the beginnings of the Basic Services were highlighted, the statement of the DFG was summarized, and a small outlook into the near future was given.
Contrary to what was assumed at the time, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has already published the schedule for the decision-making process for basic services funding in December 2021 and this has already caused some reactions from the scientific community. In this blog post we would like to inform you about it.