
IT Center Blog

IT Center on the road – we are in Dublin for you!

July 24th, 2023 | by
Zeitschrift von Dublin auf einem Tisch mit IT Center Tasse und Kugelschreiber

Source: Own illustration

From June 21 to 23, 2023 the “Customer Advisory Council”, short CAC, of the company Dell took place in Dublin, Ireland. In order to support this event as a Dell customer with questions, suggestions and ideas for better cooperation, Peter Watzlawik traveled there on behalf of the IT Center and the “Service and Communication” group, which takes care of client tenders. In the following article, we will give you some exciting insights into the meeting.

Peter Watzlawik left Düsseldorf for Dublin at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 20. As the Customer Advisory Council did not start until Wednesday, June 21, the invited guests had plenty of time to use the evening in the Clontarf district to get to know each other and network.

At the evening event in the Guinness Store House in the heart of Dublin, the guests benefited from conversations with each other and were able to exchange experiences in support and administration before the meeting started on Tuesday.

The CAC – What was it about?

Generally speaking, it was about jointly finding out the current state of satisfaction of Dell customers and using this to improve products and services.

Fotoaufnahme der Veranstaltungslocation von außen. Ähnelt einem Schloss oder Burg.

Eventlocation of CAC 2023. Source: Own illustration


Many exciting topics were discussed and debated in feedback rounds. Among other things, various new Dell products were presented and introduced to the CAC participants in workshops. Notebooks, desktop PCs, monitors and software solutions – all made their appearance at this event.

During the workshops, people looked at the products together with a specialist from Dell or even Intel and discussed possibilities for improvement. Customers were thus able to gain an excellent impression of the products and clarify questions directly in 1:1 conversations as well as in small groups.

The manufacturer Intel also had a share in the CAC and explained the technology used, general roadmaps for processors as well as the chipsets to the Dell clientele and primarily addressed the major customers with feedback.

To conclude the exchange of experiences and the feedback rounds, the focus finally turned to the topics of sustainability and environmental protection.

Dell reacted professionally and helpfully to problem cases and took these examples for product and software improvement back to the respective departments.

Overall, the week at the CAC was very profitable for us as an IT center and customer of Dell and Intel for future projects.

What do we take with us for you?

We have collected all these insights and experiences from the two-day trip to the Customer Advisory Council in Dublin for you in order to be even better positioned for future client tenders and to include even more application areas.


Responsible for the content of this article are Dunja Gath and Peter Watzlawik.

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