
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘IT-Managers’

Backdoors: Access Through an Alternative Access Point

January 17th, 2022 | by
A door that is open a crack.

Source: Pixabay

In life, sometimes it can be very useful to have a plan B or to keep a backdoor open. But would you leave your house and hide the keys to the backdoor under the doormat? For burglars, this setup would probably be an easy target. In IT as well, so-called backdoors are a very popular target for hackers. However, these backdoors are much more tricky and discreet than an open door or hidden keys under a doormat. Because even when the original breach of security, such as an open window, no longer exists, cybercriminals can still get in and out as they please via the implemented backdoor.

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DFN-PKI certificates – where does the identity check take place?

January 12th, 2022 | by
Entrance IT-ServiceDesk

Source: Own Illustration

You have applied for a DFN-PKI certificate, want to hand in the application and need to come to the IT Center for the identity check, but don’t know where exactly? No problem, we will show you the way!

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Cyber-Security-Awareness-Training at RWTH Aachen University

January 10th, 2022 | by
Mouse pointer on lettering Security

Source: Pixabay

Due to the increasing number of cyber attacks, which are also targeting universities and other institutions, RWTH Aachen University has been conducting an internal phishing simulation to increase cyber security awareness with the help of the security company SoSafe GmbH since December 06, 2021.

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Zero Day Exploit Log4Shell

January 7th, 2022 | by
Warning sign „Security Alert“

Source: Pixabay

On December 10, 2021, an extremely critical, since trivially exploitable, vulnerability (Log4Shell) in the standard library Log4J became public. Since it became known, hackers and security experts have been racing against time. “Successful exploitation of the vulnerability could lead to a complete takeover of the affected system,” warned Arne Schönbohm, President of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

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January 5th, 2022 | by


The project Federated Identity ( aims to implement a federated Identity Management (FIDM). The federation of the local IDM systems of the institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia should enable users to access the services of various universities at any time and from anywhere with just one account.

The IT Center of RWTH Aachen University is in charge of pursuing this goal together with the consortium partners Ruhr University Bochum, University of Duisburg-Essen and Aachen University of Applied Sciences. Read the rest of this entry »

Happy New Year – Not the same procedure as last year!

January 3rd, 2022 | by
Happy New Year lettering from tokens

Source: Pexels

Do you also have good resolutions for the new year?

According to Statista, the most popular New Year’s resolutions for 2022 include: exercising more, eating healthier, losing weight, living more frugally and spending more time with family and friends. Setting New Year’s resolutions is probably something all of us know. However, keeping one’s resolutions is not always the easiest thing to do. Usually, after a few weeks, the stress of everyday life has taken hold of us again, we juggle between home office and sports, we get stuck in our old habits again.

Not with us! We have put together a few tips on how you can achieve your resolutions and stay healthy at the same time.

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The Year 2021 in Review – IT Center Blog Edition

December 30th, 2021 | by
Lettering RWTH with sparklers

Have a great start to the new year 2022!
Source: Martin Braun

It’s hard to believe: December is already drawing to a close and a new year is practically in sight. We also take a look back and take you with us as we review the year 2021… Read the rest of this entry »

Data backup made easy

December 27th, 2021 | by
External hard drive

Source: Unsplash

With the year 2021 nearing its end, a whole new year full of possibilities is about to begin. Once again, the time has come for some good resolutions. This year has clearly shown us how essential a good IT infrastructure is. Day after day, huge amounts of data are created, processed and shared, both privately and professionally. But what if this data unexpectedly disappears? While many people may be aware of the danger of data loss, only a few actively take precautions to protect their data from such a loss in a private context. Frequent backups aim to prevent data loss and are an essential aspect of IT security.

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Onboarding – Digital and with heart

December 22nd, 2021 | by
Two women and a man in a video conference smile at the camera

Sarah und Philipp in interview
Source: Own illustration

On board in the CSE department

Philipp and Sarah support the Computational Science & Engineering department of the IT Center, or CSE in short. In this interview, they tell us how they experienced their first time at the IT Center, how the digital onboarding went and what tasks their job entails. Read the rest of this entry »

aiXcelerate 2021 – I/O and Machine Learning in Spotlight

December 20th, 2021 | by

Source: Own illustration

aiXcelerate is an annual tuning workshop for HPC users. It comprises lectures that are open for everyone, and hands-on parts where registered groups apply the learnt concepts to their own codes. Every year, we focus on different hot topics. This year, on December 6th to 9th, aiXcelerate focused on performance tuning for I/O-intensive workloads and machine-learning applications. Due to the ongoing pandemic, aiXcelerate took place in an online format. Presentations were done live via Zoom and questions and discussions were fostered using a dedicated Slack channel. We attracted more than 20 participants every day.

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