With the end of September 2019 the first semester with RWTHmoodle as a university-wide learning platform ended. Though we have already put the system through its paces in three test and pilot phases, the live operation with several tens of thousands of users brings its own challenges and experiences. For the RWTHmoodle team, the go-live was by no means the end of the development of the system and its support structures. Rather, the IT Center and the Center for Teaching and Learning Services, Department of Learning Platform Management (CLS/LPM) used this first semester to adapt the operation, technical development, and support to the needs of the users.

Source: Unsplash
Users gave feedback on RWTHmoodle
In this purpose, the results of the user survey from the second pilot phase in the winter semester 2018/19 are an important help. In this online survey conducted between the end of January and the beginning of March 2019, 1984 users of a total of 9515 participants in the pilot phase have provided us with their feedback on RWTHmoodle. Like in our user survey in the summer semester of 2018, which we reported in a previous blog post, the majority of the users rated the learning platform as very good (13%), good (52%), or satisfactory (21%). In addition to these predominantly positive ratings, the ratings that evaluated RWTHmoodle as only sufficient (9%) or inadequate (5%), as well as the open free text fields, show that there is still a lot to be done. We take this feedback from students, lecturers, and supervisors seriously and use it as a compass for adjusting the system.
Introduction of the improvements
Here we would like to present our most important improvements from the summer semester 2019:
- Already in the winter semester 2018/19 we implemented the block “Recent activities” in the individual course rooms. We have thus responded to the request of numerous users to offer an information display about the latest changes in the course rooms. In order to further improve this function for students, since summer semester 2019 users can now set how long the new files and changes should remain highlighted. Another important wish of our users is a central display in which the latest activities of all course rooms are listed. We are currently working on a technical solution to meet this demand.

Image of the block “Recent activities”
Source: Own illustration
- Our users not only teach and learn at home, but are also increasingly mobile when using the learning platform. Therefore, it is understandable that in the survey in the winter semester 2018/19 a prominent request of the users was the integration of RWTHmoodle into the RWTHApp. This wish was also fulfilled in the summer semester 2019, as we already reported in a previous blog post.
- RWTHmoodle offers numerous possibilities to create an individual learning space. To enable lecturers to optimally structure their course rooms in the new platform, theCLS/LPM offered 30 basic RWTHmoodle training courses in the summer semester 2019 as part of the ExAcT team’s qualification programme, which were attended by 427 people. CLS/LPM offers training courses also in this winter semester. Interested persons can register via the ExAct offer. Lecturers and course room supervisors who would like to receive individual advice on their course room can contact the IT-ServiceDesk (servicedesk@itc.rwth-aachen.de) and will then receive appropriate support from CLS/LPM.
Responsible for the content of this article is Susanne Kubiak.