
IT Center Blog

Microsoft 365 for Students

September 22nd, 2020 | by

On September 23, 2020, right on time for the start of the bridge courses at RWTH Aachen University, the Microsoft 365 service for students will be launched. Here we want to explain briefly the background, how it can be used and where help can be obtained in case of questions and problems.

Source: Stefan Hense


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the associated loss of many classroom courses at RWTH Aachen University confronts students with new challenges in self-organization and communication among themselves. Especially new bachelor students, who may have just moved to Aachen, but also those who have already been studying at RWTH Aachen University for several semesters, lack opportunities to get to know each other, to exchange information about their studies or even privately and thus to participate in student life. To counteract these circumstances and offer support, the IT Center, on behalf of the CIO Advisory Board of RWTH Aachen University, has found an appropriate solution. As a result, the Microsoft 365 service for students has been created, which will be available to all enrolled students from September 23, 2020.

What does Microsoft 365 for students include?

In addition to the familiar office applications Word, Excel and PowerPoint, the service will also offer the option to use Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, Sway, Forms, Flow, PowerApps and Yammer. This will give students a variety of ways to organize themselves and communicate with fellow students in the digital winter semester 2020/21.

How can the service be used?

First of all, you have to agree to the terms of use of RWTH Aachen University and the transfer of personal data to Microsoft. This is done by checking the appropriate box in the selfservice. With the students receive their own domain, also called Tenant. This domain is directly connected to Shibboleth, which is used for the login via the RWTH Single Sign-On Account.
Separate login data are therefore not necessary. Nevertheless, a first registration on this domain will be necessary to create an account. Registration details and instructions are available at IT Center Help.

Video conferences with Zoom

At the same time, the Center für Lehr- und Lernservices (CLS) activates a Zoom Campus License for all students of RWTH Aachen University. From now on, students can register with Zoom via RWTH Single Sign-On and automatically receive a personal license with which video conferences with up to 300 participants can be organized.

Support and documentation

For questions regarding the service and the registration process, the IT-ServiceDesk is available by e-mail ( and telephone (+49 241 80 24687). Answers to the applications and their functions can be found in the Microsoft documentation and the Microsoft forums.

Responsible for the content of this article are Anastasios Krikas and Denise Dittrich.

2 responses to “Microsoft 365 for Students”

  1. Niklas Werner says:

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    ich habe nun zum erneuten Male versucht das Software Portal der RWTH Aachen und von Microsoft zu finden. Leider ist das über Ihre angelegten Seiten nicht möglich und mit erheblichen Aufwand verbunden.

    Dazu wundere ich mich, warum auf der Seite: kein Download-Link zur Verfügung gestellt wird? Insbesondere wenn hier Studienanfänger angesprochen werden

    • Gath, Dunja says:

      Hallo Niklas,

      informationen zum Software-Shop der RWTH und dem Angebot von Microsoft, welches den Angehörigen der RWTH zur Verfügung steht, findest du in unserem Dokumentationsportal IT Center Help ( Dort sind auch Anleitungen hinterlegt, wie du auf die jeweiligen Produkte zugreifen kannst. Darüber hinaus findest du dort Informationen zu allen weiteren Services, die dir über das IT Center zur Verfügung stehen.
      Einen Download-Link im Blogbeitrag zu Microsoft 365 für Studierende zu hinterlegen, ist leider nicht möglich, da es sich um ein Onlineservice handelt. Der Beitrag ist darüber hinaus als kurzer Informationsbeitrag gedacht, welcher bewusst nicht unnötig viele Informationen enthält, um die Studienanfänger nicht zu überfordern.
      Sofern du Probleme bei der Nutzung eines der Services haben solltest, stehen dir die Kolleginnen und Kollegen vom IT-ServiceDesk gerne per E-Mail, Telefon und Chat zur Verfügung (

      Viele Grüße,
      das IT Center Blog Team