Source: Pixabay
To avoid chaos, in this article we summarize what the RWTH email address is and what else you need to keep in mind around it.
Facts first
The IT Center of RWTH Aachen University provides you with a central e-mail address that you automatically receive as a student when you enroll. But also as an employee of RWTH you can apply for an email address via the IT-ServiceDesk. As a rule, it has the form of first name.last name@rwth-aachen.de. The service provided to you includes e-mail and appointment management functions as well as the retention of deleted elements of the mailbox for the last 28 days.
Signing up is easy if you know how. You only need the username <User-ID>@rwth-aachen.de (e.g. ab123456@rwth-aachen.de) and the password which has been set in IdM Selfservice under “Accounts and Passwords” for the RWTH Service Account. Now you can check your mails.
Check your mails where it fits best
There are many ways to view your inbox. If you want, you can integrate the email address into your email client on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC. You can find instructions on how to do this at IT Center Help under “Using e-mail apps and programs” under the heading “Setting up e-mail clients”. On IT Center Help you can see an example of how to integrate the RWTH e-mail address into AppleMail.
If you want to read the incoming mails on your preferred email account, you can easily redirect them there. Using the IdM Selfservice you can quickly redirect your mails under “Accounts and Passwords” and then under “RWTH Service”. Under “Redirection” the desired e-mail address can be entered. Done! A more detailed description can be found here.
Your security is important to us
For security reasons, incoming mail traffic is checked for viruses, spam and malicious code. In case of the last one, corresponding mails will be marked with “****SPAM****”. If this marking is confirmed or if unmarked spam arrives in your mailbox, we would be very grateful if you would let us know by sending an email to spam@access.ironport.com. Please send the mail as an attachment.
Large institutions are always victims of spam attacks, so it is important to be informed about the spam waves that can occur and to keep a cool head, if you are the victim of the attack. For this purpose, the IT Center posts everything about IT security on the blog. Feel free to drop by.
Responsible for the content of this article is Liza Schwarz.