
IT Center Blog

Company Excursion 2023 in Landgraaf

May 10th, 2023 | by
Inscription "IT CENTER BETRIEBSAUSFLUG 2023" in front of tulip field

Source: Own illustration

After a long break last fall, the IT Center employees were once again able to take part in a company excursion in 2022. Once again this year, we were looking forward to a day full of fun excursions.

The meeting point was the IT Center at 8:45 am. A bus was available to take the participants to the various activities. Of course, there was also the possibility to organize the journey by oneself. Whether by car or by bicycle, many good-humored interdepartmental communities were already formed on the way to the event.


A day full of exciting activities

For the employees who took part in the company excursion, there was a variety of hikes in the countryside, sports activities or a visit to a park to choose from:

After the participants have followed their chosen activity and spent a few sportive, nice, fun hours, we went back to Aachen for lunch together.


Wrap-up in the Milchstraße

At around 2 pm, the employees arrived at the Molkerei at Pontstraße. The colleagues who took the bus made an accidental detour via Brunssum because the bus driver took a wrong turn. However, this did not affect the good mood.

In the restaurant on Aachen’s Milchstraße, which was well filled, everyone finished off the company excursion with pizza, pasta, schnitzel, burgers and more, as well as a cool drink. A nice end to an all-around successful company excursion 2023 in excellent weather.

We remain excited to see what else we can experience at our future company excursions.


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Responsible for the content of this article is Morgane Overath.

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