
IT Center Blog

RWTH Welcome Week – On Site For You!

October 11th, 2024 | by
Entrance hall of the Audimax with many people

Source: Own illustration

This year, RWTH Aachen University is once again welcoming new international students with the traditional Welcome Week. The events offered them an ideal opportunity to get to know the services and processes at RWTH better.

We at the IT Center were also there on September 25, 2024, as a point of contact at the Freshers’ Fair as part of Welcome Week. In this blog post, you can find out how the successful exchange with students went.


Freshers’ Fair – Live and in Person

booth of the IT Center with merchandise

Source: Own illustration

As in previous years, the event kicked off at 1 pm in the foyer of the Audimax. Students were welcomed by RWTH institutions and student councils, as well as external service providers such as health insurance companies.

We were on hand with merchandise to answer the new students’ questions. The main focus here was on setting up RWTH e-mail and the eduroam Wi-Fi network.

For some concerns, we were also able to direct the students to the right places, such as the ASEAG for the semester ticket and the RWTH BlueCard service point for concerns regarding the BlueCard.

For us as new apprentices at RWTH, this was a very exciting and instructive event. We were also able to learn a lot ourselves and were very happy to be able to help the new students with advice and assistance.


Do You Have Any Unanswered Questions?

Do you need help setting up and using the IT services? No problem! Visit our documentation portal IT Center Help. There you will find information on how to get started with the IT services. You will also find illustrated instructions and help.


Responsible for the content of this article are Leo Braun und Julia Topp.

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