
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Erstis’

RWTH Welcome Week – On Site For You!

October 11th, 2024 | by
Entrance hall of the Audimax with many people

Source: Own illustration

This year, RWTH Aachen University is once again welcoming new international students with the traditional Welcome Week. The events offered them an ideal opportunity to get to know the services and processes at RWTH better.

We at the IT Center were also there on September 25, 2024, as a point of contact at the Freshers’ Fair as part of Welcome Week. In this blog post, you can find out how the successful exchange with students went.

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#RWTHWelcomeWeek for the Summer Semester 2024 – On Site for You!

April 8th, 2024 | by
Students at a stand

Source: Own illustration

RWTH Aachen University once again welcomed new students for the summer semester 2024 with the traditional Welcome Week! This series of events is an excellent opportunity, especially for international students, to get to know the services and processes at RWTH Aachen University.

The IT Center was also there again on April 3, 2024 and was live on site at the Freshers’ Fair as part of the Welcome Week to answer your questions. In the following blog post, we report on the successful exchanges with the students.


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#RWTHWelcomeWeek for the Winter Semester 23/24 – We Were There!

October 23rd, 2023 | by
Exterior view of the Audimax shortly before the Freshers' Fair

Source: Own illustration

The IT Center was once again part of this year’s Welcome Week for the winter semester 2023/2024 at RWTH Aachen University! Especially international students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the services and processes of RWTH Aachen University.

Unlike previous events, this time there was no live digital lecture on our IT services. But don’t worry, there was still a video. The Welcome Week team changed the concept and adapted it to your wishes. In addition, we were live on site at the Freshers’ Fair in the Audimax on September 27, 2023, and were on hand to offer advice and support to new students.

In the following blog post, we will tell you about the Freshers’ Fair, the newly designed information video about our IT services, and also give you some help for a successful semester.


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Welcome, New MATSE Trainees!

September 15th, 2023 | by
MATSE-Azubis essen und trinken

Source: Own Illustration

This year, we are pleased with the even three-figure MATSE growth! 103 prospective number crunchers have started their dual studies with integrated training as mathematical-technical software developers – MATSE for short.

The newcomers were welcomed at the MATSE beginners’ event on September 4 at the IT Center. The 6th of September also held exciting events in store for our first-year students.

To give you an impression, we have summarized the most important events in this blog post.


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The Welcome Week for the Summer Semester 2023

April 21st, 2023 | by
Booth of the IT Center

Source: Own illustration

The first three weeks of the semester are over and introductory events have already taken place. Did you also attend the Welcome Week before the start of the semester? This series of events offers international students in particular the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the services and processes of RWTH Aachen University.

The IT Center was present again this year. On March 23, 2023, we gave a live digital presentation on our IT services. On March 30, 2023, we were even live on site at the Freshers’ Fair, offering advice and support to new students. The following blog post is a follow-up of the Welcome Week and also includes assistance for a successful semester.


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Welcome new MATSE trainees!

September 16th, 2022 | by


Welcoming of the new MATSE beginners in the lecture hall

Source: Own illustration

90 new trainees began their dual training as mathematical-technical software developers (MATSE) on September 1.

The welcoming ceremony followed on September 2 in the IT Center to welcome all the creative newcomers. Read the rest of this entry »