
IT Center Blog

RWTHcontacts – The New and Leading Directory

June 28th, 2023 | by


Sign "New RWTHcontacts"

Source: Freepik

RWTHcontacts has replaced CAS CAMPUS and is the new leading Directory of Organizations and People at RWTH Aachen University.

RWTHcontacts presents the information of the Directory of Organizations and People furthermore makes it accessible worldwide. In the Directory of Organizations, organization administrators can maintain the functional addresses and contacts.

In the Directory of  People at RWTH, organization administrators can maintain the official addresses and contact data of the people at their organization. In addition, it’s possible to create objects (e.g. rooms) and structure their common display using headings. The corresponding functionality of CAS Campus has thus been replaced.


Screenshot RWTHcontacts

Source: own Illustration


Go Live RWTH Directory of Person

With the go live of the Directory of  People at RWTH on June 27, 2023, the RWTHcontacts service has finally replaced the functionality of the old CAS CAMPUS organization and person directory.  Since then, the data presented on RWTHcontacts is valid and CAS CAMPUS is available on a read-only status for a transitional period.

The Directory of  People at RWTH enables the organizations of the RWTH and the RWTH Uniklinik to maintain the contact data of their employees independently. The Usability has also been significantly improved. For example, the arrangement of contacts can be assembled by drag and drop.



In addition to being displayed on RWTHcontacts and on the intranet, the data from the Directory of  People at RWTH is used to support numerous IT processes. For this purpose, the corresponding exports have already been converted.


You have discovered a discrepancy in a data record?

Simply contact your organizational administrators. They can change some of the data in the Directory of  People at RWTH and correct it accordingly. Contacts, names and titles have to be corrected differently. In case of doubt, the role manager of your organization knows who holds the role “Verwaltung Organisation”.


You are an organization administrator?

As far as possible, we have imported the data from CAS CAMPUS. Nevertheless, in some cases small corrections and cleanups of the data in the Directory of  People at RWTH still have to be made. The program supports you with a data transfer function.


Chart Data Sources

Source: own Illustration


The way to the new directory “RWTHcontacts

During the entire course of the project, we have repeatedly reported on the individual steps.

In the list you will find more information from our last articles:


Documentation, instructions and FAQ

Of course we have also prepared an extensive documentation for you. As always, you can find all important instructions on IT Center Help.


Responsible for the content of this article are Michael Gerhards and Morgane Overath.

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