
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Topic’

Basics at the RWTH: The ConnectMe Coupon Procedure

October 2nd, 2024 | by
ConnectMe figure on laptop screen

Source: Own illustration based on Freepik


Have you enrolled and signed your employment contract? Congratulations and welcome to RWTH Aachen University!

So that you can now use all (IT) services at RWTH, you need a username in the form ab123456. You will receive this after registering in Identity Management. We explain how this works in this article.

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RWTHmoodle – Find the Right Guide for You

September 30th, 2024 | by
moodlemonday logo

Source: Own illustration

The RWTHmoodle service is indispensable in everyday study life, both for students and lecturers. It is therefore particularly important for all those involved to ensure suitable access to detailed documentation.

With this in mind, our RWTHmoodle help has been comprehensively revised. Due to the large number of available instructions, it was often difficult in the past to quickly find the right documentation. To simplify this, we have developed a clearly structured and more user-friendly navigation that provides easy and targeted access to the desired Moodle help.

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Congratulations, MATSE graduates!

September 27th, 2024 | by

Source: Schmitter RWTH

On September 9, 2024, this year’s certificate ceremony of the Aachen Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for MATSE graduates took place at the RWTH Aachen guesthouse. 39 out of a total of 75 graduates participated in this significant event, where their achievements were celebrated. During the formal ceremony, the young professionals received their certificates for successfully completing the MATSE program.

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RWTHapp Satisfaction Survey 2024

September 25th, 2024 | by
Mockups der RWTHapp

Source: Own illustration

The RWTHapp satisfaction survey ran from July 22 to August 2, 2024. Before we get into the evaluation, we would like to thank you for the active participation! With almost 4000 clicks, there were over 2000 fully completed questionnaires. The results of the survey will be incorporated into the further development of the RWTHapp.



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Software Freedom Day and One Web Day 2024

September 23rd, 2024 | by
Small globe and keyboard in the background

Source: Freepik

In our increasingly digital world, there are two important awareness days that underscore the importance of free and accessible digital spaces: Software Freedom Day and One Web Day. This year, the two awareness days took place on the same weekend, which is why we would like to dedicate this blog post to both days.


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Changed Opening Hours on September 27, 2024

September 20th, 2024 | by
Blue clock on an orange background

Source: Freepik

Due to an internal event, the IT-ServiceDesk will only be open for you during limited opening hours on Friday, September 27, 2024.

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MoodleCafé – Exchange Format for Good Teaching With RWTHmoodle

September 18th, 2024 | by
RWTH MoodleCafé

Source: own illustration

Are you looking for good practice examples for the use of RWTHmoodle in teaching? Then visit the ‘MoodleCafé’.

In this new digital exchange format, lecturers from different departments at RWTH Aachen University will present concrete examples of how they use specific functions such as StudentQuiz, PDF annotation or gamification to benefit their teaching. Take the opportunity to familiarise yourself with previously little-known functions in RWTHmoodle, exchange ideas about challenges and solutions and benefit from the positive experiences of your colleagues.

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IT Professionals Day: Invisible Heroes

September 16th, 2024 | by
Two men with laptops in the office

Source: Freepik

On September 17, 2024, we are celebrating IT Professionals Day – a global day of honor that puts the spotlight on all those people who often work behind the scenes but are indispensable to the functioning of our digital world. At the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University, we would like to use this occasion to pay well-deserved tribute to the IT professionals, the invisible heroes, who work behind the scenes every day.


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Welcome, New MATSE Trainees!

September 13th, 2024 | by
Trainees at lecture in the lecture hall

Source: Own illustration

This year, we are delighted to welcome an impressive number of 103 new MATSE trainees who are starting their dual studies in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at FH Aachen. These young talents, who are being trained as mathematical-technical software developers, were warmly welcomed to the IT Center on September 3.

There was also an exciting program for our new MATSEs on September 5, which we have summarized in this blog post.


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Preferred Names at RWTH

September 12th, 2024 | by
name tag

Source: Freepik

Names are important – they give us identity and recognition value. They simply belong to us.

Some of us don’t just have one first name, but several. In everyday language, however, they are not always used consistently. This is where the so-called preferred name comes into play. This is the name by which you are usually addressed.

In principle, a preferred name is automatically stored for each person in Identity Management. In the simplest case, the person only has one first name, which means that the preferred name is identical to the first name.

If there are several first names, the preferred name is initially automatically set to the first first name.

Whenever the preferred name is changed – i.e. also when the first name is entered – people with more than one first name are informed by e-mail and can take corrective action if necessary.

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