Kategorie: ‘Projects & Cooperations’
DataStorage.nrw – How Do You Find out When Your Research Data Will Be Migrated?

Source: DataStorage.nrw
Preparations for the DataStorage.nrw connection are currently in full swing. Until the wait is over, we would like to prepare you for what the migration will look like for you on the Coscine platform. This way you can see at a glance whether your research data is currently being migrated.
Upgrade for Writing Back Exams: In-House Development “MosesInt” Helps

Source: Own Illustration
Do you know how exam dates are organized at RWTH? Every semester, a large number of dates are planned centrally using the “carpe diem!” software and then transferred to RWTHonline – a process known as “exam re-registration”.
Until now, the complex merging of data from both systems has posed a particular challenge. As the software providers were not yet able to provide an automated solution for the process, the IT Center and the departments involved had to resort to manual workarounds.
Thanks to the “MosesInt” project, this is now a thing of the past! Read more about the new local app “Exam planning and write-back”, which has now been made available, in the article.
WestAI: Access to AI for Business and Science

Source: Own illustration
The launch of the WestAI AI service centre will revolutionise access to artificial intelligence for companies and scientists in Germany. Under the leadership of the University of Bonn and with the support of leading research institutions from North Rhine-Westphalia, WestAI offers innovative AI services and state-of-the-art computing infrastructure that can be used immediately – and currently even free of charge. The IT Center of RWTH Aachen University offers part of this infrastructure.
IT Center Annual Review 2024

Source: Freepik
The year 2024 is drawing to a close – a year full of exciting projects, successful collaborations and unforgettable moments at the IT Centre. From innovative events and new partnerships to internal team celebrations and significant changes and new ones, the year was characterised by growth, collaboration and joint development. In our annual review, we take a look at the highlights, changes and successes that made our year so special.
From Research Data Storage (RDS) to DataStorage.nrw
Coscine gives you the opportunity to store your research data using various resources. From next year, there will be a fundamental change: The new DataStorage.nrw will replace the previous Research Data Storage (RDS).
In this blog series, we would like to introduce you to the advantages of the new storage system, explain the process of applying for storage space and go into the details of the migration from the old to the new system.
The Digital Submission of Theses Is Here!

Source: Freepik
After reporting on the pilot of “Submission of Final Theses” (DivA) in May last year, we can now announce that the application is now available to all RWTH students. After extensive testing and many improvements in the extended pilot phase, we can now ensure that everything runs smoothly at the end of the degree programme.
Advent Door #2: Mysterious Christmas

Source: Freepik
In the second part of our Advent series, we take you into the world of Christmas puzzles with a touch of technology. In the midst of mulled wine, biscuits and candlelight, we invite you to put your grey matter to the test. Our collection of tricky questions combines festive cheer with exciting IT topics – perfect for enjoying the festive season with a playful twist. Why don’t you go back to our first Advent post and try out our recipes while you think about how to solve these puzzles?
Milestone Reached: The Coscine Word Mark Is Officially Registered!

Source: Coscine
From an idea to an established platform: the history of Coscine is a chronicle of progress in research data management. The registration of Coscine as a word mark marks another high point in this success story. But how did it actually come about? In this blog post, we give you an overview of the origins and milestones of Coscine.
Women in IT: TANDEM Mentoring

Source: Martin Braun
As part of our ‘Women in IT’ series, we have already talked about the challenges faced by women in IT and shared some success stories. In the third article, we presented the FEMTEC Career Building Programs. Today, in the fourth part, we would like to introduce the TANDEM mentoring programs at RWTH Aachen University – important tools for equal opportunities career development that support women in shaping their careers in science and research while promoting gender equality in the academic environment.
Put me There: Teleportation in VR

Source: Put Me There Project
Virtual reality (VR) has developed into a promising technology that opens up new ways for people to interact with digital content. By putting on VR glasses, users are immersed in a virtual 3D environment that they can explore through natural body movements and direct interaction with their hands. In addition to games, VR is already being used successfully in a variety of ways, for example to train new skills, support medical procedures, preserve cultural heritage and evaluate architectural designs, to name just a few of the different areas of application.
However, most virtual environments in the various application areas are larger than the physical area in which a user can move around with VR glasses. Therefore, navigation techniques that move the user’s position through the environment purely virtually are crucial to enable unrestricted exploration.