
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Support, Services & Updates’

Partner search for RWTH’s electronic services – The Partner-Procedure

June 14th, 2021 | by

Partner search for RWTH’s electronic services 
Source: Pixabay

Eduroam, e-mail, VPN, high-performance computing and many more. Students and employees can easily use the electronic services of RWTH Aachen University.
But is it as easy for visiting scientists, external doctoral students, cooperation partners as well as other external persons? Clearly yes! Read the rest of this entry »

GigaMove 2.0 – Exchanging large amounts of data

June 9th, 2021 | by
Arrows in both directions

Source: Pixabay

Everyone has experienced the following situation: having a print template, software packages, a photo archive or other large amounts of data and wanting to send them to others. Generally, email attachments are not suitable for data volumes of such size, and the exchange via an ftp server or other protocols is often not convenient and sometimes requires the installation of additional software.

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Preparation is Key – Prepare Archive Nodes and Migrate without Worries

June 2nd, 2021 | by

Source: Own illustration

In fall, the archive nodes contained in the archive will be migrated. Until then, however, there is still a lot to do. While work is going on behind the scenes on the front end for the new Digital Archive and for the metadata form, among other things, we are also hard at work getting the new infrastructure up and running. But, for our node contacts, too, preparation is key. For this reason, we call on you to use the opportunity and the time until the migration to sift through archive nodes, prepare them if necessary, or even make the decision to part with data that is no longer needed or needs to be kept. In this article you will learn how to prepare your archive nodes for migration. Read the rest of this entry »

Happy Birthday, RWTHmoodle!

May 31st, 2021 | by

Source: Own illustration

Wow, RWTHmoodle is already two years old! On the occasion of this event, we would like to reminisce with you and give you a little preview of the future.

In recent years, digitization has also influenced the way we teach and learn: In addition to purely classroom-based courses with written scripts, as older semesters are still familiar with, digital learning concepts and course rooms are increasingly coming into focus. These are designed to complement existing face-to-face courses, make teaching interactive, and adapt learning to students’ requirements in terms of time. Read the rest of this entry »

(Deutsch) Coscine und der Forschungsdaten-Storage

May 26th, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

(Deutsch) Die Gedanken sind frei… und strukturiert!

May 21st, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Safety First – Secure logout with RWTH Single Sign-On

May 17th, 2021 | by
The login mask of the RWTH Single Sign-On.

Source: Own illustration

Everyone who studies or works at RWTH knows it: the RWTH Single Sign-On.

This is not a dating service, but an application with which you can log in to almost all RWTH services. What is particularly charming is that you do not have to remember an infinite number of access data, but only one user name and the corresponding password.

In addition, RWTH Single Sign-On recognizes if you are already logged in to a service, for example RWTHonline. If you then log in to RWTHmoodle, RWTH Single Sign-On waves the user through directly using the underlying “Shibboleth” application.

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(Deutsch) TechTorial: Behind the VPN

May 14th, 2021 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Better Safe Than Sorry – Multifactor-Authentication

May 5th, 2021 | by
Multi-factor authentication for more data security

Source: Pixabay

In the context of the current pandemic and the latest massive cyberattacks, IT security is more relevant than ever in our daily lives. With many people working from home and using cloud applications to access corporate data, the risk of unauthorised access to this data is growing. . Passwords can be stolen in various manners, ranging from looking over one’s shoulder, a break-in at a service provider on the Internet to malware. Passwords are particularly susceptible to being stolen. Additionally, if you use the same password for multiple services, the quantity of stolen data might be massive. What can we do to ensure our data remains secure?

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RWTH mails in the spam folder – why do they end up there and what you can do about it?

May 3rd, 2021 | by
Spam Mails

Source: Freepik

The spam folder – that place to which undesired emails are banished. This is exactly what the term “spam” refers to: e-mails that you don’t want to receive, which nonetheless keep finding their way into our inbox. Generally, the spam folder is a preset folder provided by the e-mail client, into which unsolicited e-mails are automatically moved with the help of anti-spam software. In fact, most of the time this sorting out works quite well.

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