
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘Audience’

Change of Opening Hours at the IT Center

December 13th, 2021 | by
Pocket watch with Christmas decoration, glitter and bow. Orange accents

Source: Pixabay

The Christmas holidays and the new year are approaching. Therefore, the opening hours of the IT Center will be changed. Read the rest of this entry »

Giveaway – IT Center User Satisfaction Survey

December 10th, 2021 | by
Local gifts - the gift voucher for the whole city

Source: Schenk-Lokal

Today, we have announced our giveaway for the IT Center User Satisfaction Survey 2021.

This year, 15 “Aachen Schenkt” vouchers worth EUR15 each were raffled off.

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Onboarding – Digital and with Heart

December 8th, 2021 | by
A woman and two men in a video conference smile at the camera

Sascha and Nils in interview
Source: Eigene Darstellung

An interview with our house spokesmen

Sascha and Nils have been house spokesmen for the IT Center for several years and represent the interests of the workforce. They act as a mouthpiece for the management and are a trusted contact person for employees’ questions and problems. Read the rest of this entry »

Single sign-on: What does that actually mean?

December 6th, 2021 | by
Single Sign-On authentication

Source: Pixabay

Our everyday life is closely accompanied by the internet. We communicate with our peers on the net, share memories on social media, we shop online, search for answers to various questions in forums and much more. All these services usually require a login via username and password. With intensive use of various online services, it is sometimes easy to lose track of everything. This can often lead to downright password chaos. Single Sign-On (SSO) is intended to remove or precisely prevent this chaos. Read the rest of this entry »

Advent, Advent, a light is sent…

December 3rd, 2021 | by

Source: Freepik

And soon there will be two!

And soon there will be two! The Christmas decorations have been taken out and put up. The first doors of the Advent calendar have been opened. In some houses there is already a wonderful smell of biscuits and pine trees. This year, even the Aachener Christmas market and its countless tasty treats are finally back. The Advent season has officially started and should make the wait until Christmas a little sweeter. We too would like to make this time a little brighter for you and have put together some ideas on how you can spend the Advent season in a relaxed manner. Read the rest of this entry »

One becomes two: Goodbye and auf Wiedersehen c6k-rog…Welcome n7ks!

December 1st, 2021 | by
The RWTH Aachen University network connects around 350 university buildings. Source: Own illustration

Source: Own illustration

Now it’s official: The c6k-rog was finally switched off from the network at the beginning of November 2021 and is now in a well-deserved retirement. The router, which was the main distributor for all institutes of the RWTH Aachen in the city centre for more than 14 years and routed the entire network, will now be replaced by the two new core routers n7k-carl-1 and n7k-sw23-1.

This means that one router has been replaced by two new, more powerful routers, which will guarantee the IT infrastructure at RWTH Aachen University in the future. This changeover was accompanied by the Network Division of the IT Center which operates the communication infrastructures of RWTH Aachen University. Read the rest of this entry »

“Keep Your Hard Drive” – Data security, a must!

November 29th, 2021 | by

Whether on the work computer, drives or the copier, IT managers in companies, but also each individual employee, have to deal with a lot of data at work. When data media need to be repaired or replaced, we sometimes carelessly hand them over. This also applies to our private PCs at home. But be careful in this matter! We give you tips on how to handle your data media with care and thus ensure greater data security.

Table with laptop, tablet, smartphone and hard drive

Many devices, many data – Keep an eye on your data!
Source: Pixabay

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Archive becomes DigitalArchive

November 26th, 2021 | by

New technology, familiar service, convenient access

Picture of the tape library

The tape library is the home of the previously archived data. In the future, archiving will take place on S3 object storage.
Source: Own illustration

December 08, 2021 is an important deadline for all users of the archive and all those who would like to archive data from administration, teaching and university operations in the future.

The contents of the current archive will be migrated to an object storage infrastructure beginning in December. We have already reported on the archive migration and will continue to keep you updated. The archive will therefore inevitably be set to “Read Only” from 08.12.2021. However, you can continue to use the archiving service, because the start of the new DigitalArchive will coincide with this date.

Read the rest of this entry »

Onboarding – Digital and with Heart

November 24th, 2021 | by
Two women in a video conference smile at the camera

Nicole in interview
Source: Own illustration

An insight into the work of a data steward

Nicole has been working as a “Data Steward” at the IT Center since February.
Among other things, she supports researchers in managing their research data. But that’s not all.
In this interview, she tells us what other tasks this job entails and how she experienced her induction at the IT Center. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s starting again:
The IT Center Christmas baking season is open

November 22nd, 2021 | by
Christmas stollen on a table decorated with cloves and apples

Source: Pixabay

It’s finally that time again, the Christmas market is opening, the scent of print is in the air, warm lights brighten up the dark season. At the IT Center, we continue to work from the home office and therefore make it especially nice at home.
In addition to the Christmas decorations at home, of course we can’t do without treats.
For us, stollen and Christmas simply belong together.


Baking stollen –
the flavor needs time

Our IT Center baking professionals have told us: A Stollen needs time so that the aroma of the fruits and spices permeate the entire dough and it tastes especially good on Christmas Eve.So the Stollen should be baked four to six weeks before Christmas. Well then, let’s get to work on the raisins!

Stollen recipe

Ingredients for the dough
150 g raisins
½ tsp grated lemon peel
50 g candied orange peel
50 g candied lemon peel
50 g ground almonds
60 ml rum
430 g flour
½ cube fresh yeast
75 ml milk
100 g butter
1 egg
50 g sugar
1 packet vanilla sugar
1 pinch of salt
½ teaspoon organic cinnamon*
1 pinch cardamom
1 pinch nutmeg

To coat
40 g butter
75 g powdered sugar

1) First preparations the night before
The easiest way is to mix the raisins with lemon zest, candied orange peel, candied lemon peel, rum and ground almonds the night before, so that everything can be properly infused.

2) The next day
Put the flour in a bowl. Crumble yeast and pour over it. Add two tablespoons of lukewarm milk and a little sugar over the yeast, mix

briefly. Sprinkle some more flour on top and let the mixture rise, covered, in a warm place for half an hour.

3) Continue with the butter
Chop the butter and add small pieces on top of the flour. Add the eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt with the spices. Mix everything briefly and then knead well with a dough hook. Meanwhile, gradually add the milk and knead it in. Finally, briefly knead in the fruit-rum mixture. Cover again and let rise for half an hour.

4) Now it’s time to shape the dough
Knead dough again briefly and shape into an oblong loaf. At the long edge of the stollen, roll half of it a little flat with the dough roller. Place the thicker part on top and shape the loaf again.

5) Put it on the baking tray
Line a baking tray first with aluminum foil and then with baking paper. Put the stollen on it and let it rise covered for another 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 220°C top and bottom heat. Bake the Stollen for about 45 minutes. After 30 minutes, lower the temperature to 200°C. If the stollen gets too dark on the outside, cover with aluminum foil.

6) Add the butter
Melt butter in a saucepan and brush the hot Stollen directly with melted butter. Allow to cool. Then brush again with melted butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

The right storage
It is best to wrap in aluminum foil and put again in a plastic bag so that everything is airtight. Store in a cool place.

We wish you lots of fun baking and a wonderful and delicious Advent season.
Responsible for the content of this article are Linda Jörres and Janin Vreydal.