
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘CLAIX’

HPC Landing Page: High Performance Computing

May 15th, 2024 | by

High Performance Computing (HPC) at RWTH Aachen University acts as a central building block to support the simulation sciences by enabling the development of scalable algorithms and software. Of central importance for innovation in business and society, RWTH High Performance Computing offers various services and research opportunities based on a first-class infrastructure. This means that HPC applications can be executed efficiently and in a scalable manner and large amounts of data can be processed securely and quickly.

Implementation is supported by projects such as JARA, HPC.NRW and, in particular, the National High Performance Computing Center for Computational Engineering Science (NHR4CES). You can read more under the category HPCnews on our blog.


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CodeClubMG Visit to the Chair of HPC

May 3rd, 2024 | by
CodeClub Presentation

Source: Marc-André Hermanns 
Christian Terboven during the cluster tour

On April 23, 2024, we had the pleasure of welcoming a group of dedicated CodeClubMG students to the Chair of High Performance Computing (Computer Science 12). The visit was organized by Tom Hilgers, Master student of Computer Science and part of the operational management of CodeClubMG. “With the excursion, we bring the students closer to the world of computer science. We were able to show them that computer science is not just about programming, but a very diverse subject area,” Tom tells us.

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Review: VI-HPS Porting & Tuning Workshop 2024

March 11th, 2024 | by

Source: Own illustration

What happened to the well-known aiXcelerate event this year? Well, who noticed?

The VI-HPS Porting & Tuning Workshop 2024 took place at the end of February! This workshop compensated for the aiXcelerate 2023, which did not take place.

That’s why we’re reporting on this year’s VI-HPS Porting & Tuning Workshop in the following blog post.

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CLAIX-2023: New Supercomputer at the RWTH

February 9th, 2024 | by
Black modules of the high-performance computer

Source: Own Illustration

Alongside theory and experiment, computer-aided simulations are described as the third pillar of science. It is therefore of great importance for technical universities such as RWTH Aachen University to continuously expand their capacities in the field of high-performance computing and to further develop their capabilities. We are therefore delighted that the full installation of the new Aix-la-Chapelle cluster (CLAIX) has been completed! Under the label CLAIX-2023, the new high-performance computer not only offers powerful Intel Xeon 8468 Sapphire Rapids CPUs with a total of 96 cores per computing node for a significant increase in performance. In addition, it has 52 special servers for artificial intelligence and machine learning applications, each with four NVIDIA H100 GPUs, which enables an impressive total performance of over 14 PFLOPS in the ML segment alone. (*)
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Invitation to All Cluster Users

February 2nd, 2024 | by

Source: Pixabay

Hit the keys and join our HPC events in March 2024!

Are you interested in parallel programming, the new CLAIX-2023 platforms, HPC applications in general or would you like to benefit from personal support on site?

Porting & Tuning Workshop & PPCES 2024 – there is something helpful for every cluster user!

Find out in this article where you can register for free today.

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HPC Events – This was PPCES 2023

April 12th, 2023 | by
Ausdruck mit Namen der Veranstaltung vor dem Cateringbuffet

PPCES2023 (
Source: Own illustration

2023 – the year that promises a turnaround to normality again after Corona pandemic.
At least for us at the IT Center!
Indeed, the first events are already taking place again on site.

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New software environment and operating system

March 29th, 2023 | by
Tiny programmer update the operating system of computer isolated flat illustration

Source: Freepik

Maybe you have already noticed – the changeover to a new Linux distribution on the CLAIX has been going on for some time. Now it goes into the final phase, so that the old operating system CentOS 7 will be replaced by Rocky Linux 8.7. It is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise and brings a few changes.

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HPC Intro and PPCES 2023

February 15th, 2023 | by
Gäste der Veranstaltung sitzen im Seminarraum mit ihrem Rechner

Source: Own illustration

From March 13 – March 17, 2023, we will continue the tradition and open our doors again for the Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science seminar, PPCES for short, as well as the Introduction to High-Performance Computing 2023.

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Protecting the HPC account with MFA

January 27th, 2023 | by

Protection of the HPC account
Source: Freepik

At least a little less than a dozen of Europe’s supercomputers were taken offline simultaneously in May 2020. Several university centres in Europe have been attacked by hackers and had to go offline. The unknown perpetrators hacked the accounts of the users in order to gain access to the supercomputers. Fortunately, our high-performance computer was not affected, but JURECA, JUWELS and JUDAC at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Hawk at the Stuttgart High Performance Computing Centre and the supercomputers at the Leibzig Computing Centre (LRZ), for example, fell victim to the attack.

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NHR4CES: High-Speed 4 Science

January 25th, 2023 | by
NHR4CES lettering on purple background

Source: NHR4CES

Cards, posters, stickers and on social media: Everywhere you read the slogan “High-Speed 4 Science.” With this campaign, NHR4CES – National High Performance Computing for Computational Engineering Science – is drawing nationwide attention to its freely accessible service services.
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