Schlagwort: ‘FDM-Blog’
Blogging Day 2023: Sharing Knowledge
Today we are once again celebrating Blogging Day, an opportunity to celebrate the digital sharing of knowledge. Blogging is much more than simply writing texts – it is a bridge that connects us with our community.
Since 2015, we have been providing you with information about our IT services and more on the IT Center Blog. The RDM-Blog also offers you exciting information on the topic of research data management. This year, the IT Center Changes Blog has been added to the IT Center’s blog repertoire. Would you like to get more specific insights into our blog instances? Then this post is just right for you!
Blogging Day 2022
November 13, 2022 was the Day of Blogging. A blog is a great way to encourage exchange and interaction and, of course, to share information and news. It’s not for nothing that our blogs are part of our social media presence. In celebration of yesterday’s day, we prepared a few facts about our blogs: