Schlagwort: ‘#GoodToKnow’
#Goodtoknow – our services in the spotlight

Source: Freepik
We stay connected!
In the first part of our series, you already got to know our collaboration tools Sciebo and Gigamove. In the second part, you got an impression of our diverse communication tools and maybe discovered one or two new ones for you.
Have you already been able to use some of them? Which ones were new to you and which ones do you already use? Feel free to let us know in a comment!
Today’s post concludes this little #goodtoknow series focusing on VPN and eduroam.
#Goodtoknow – IT Services in the Spotlight

We take some important IT services for you in the spotlight, and hence you a few interesting facts at hand!
Source: Freepik
#Goodtoknow – IT Services in the Spotlight
Today we have useful knowledge about some of the IT services at RWTH. We have summarized interesting facts about our collaboration and communication tools, but also information about a stable connection via VPN and Eduroam. To keep you connected, we have prepared a small series for you!
Today: Sciebo and Gigamove Read the rest of this entry »
#GoodToKnow: How to create distribution groups?

Source: Freepik
Recently, we told you about mailing lists and how to request them. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to the difference with distribution groups and describe how to create and manage them.