
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘IT-Security’

DFN-PKI certificates – where does the identity check take place?

January 12th, 2022 | by
Entrance IT-ServiceDesk

Source: Own Illustration

You have applied for a DFN-PKI certificate, want to hand in the application and need to come to the IT Center for the identity check, but don’t know where exactly? No problem, we will show you the way!

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Cyber-Security-Awareness-Training at RWTH Aachen University

January 10th, 2022 | by
Mouse pointer on lettering Security

Source: Pixabay

Due to the increasing number of cyber attacks, which are also targeting universities and other institutions, RWTH Aachen University has been conducting an internal phishing simulation to increase cyber security awareness with the help of the security company SoSafe GmbH since December 06, 2021.

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Zero Day Exploit Log4Shell

January 7th, 2022 | by
Warning sign „Security Alert“

Source: Pixabay

On December 10, 2021, an extremely critical, since trivially exploitable, vulnerability (Log4Shell) in the standard library Log4J became public. Since it became known, hackers and security experts have been racing against time. “Successful exploitation of the vulnerability could lead to a complete takeover of the affected system,” warned Arne Schönbohm, President of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

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Data backup made easy

December 27th, 2021 | by
External hard drive

Source: Unsplash

With the year 2021 nearing its end, a whole new year full of possibilities is about to begin. Once again, the time has come for some good resolutions. This year has clearly shown us how essential a good IT infrastructure is. Day after day, huge amounts of data are created, processed and shared, both privately and professionally. But what if this data unexpectedly disappears? While many people may be aware of the danger of data loss, only a few actively take precautions to protect their data from such a loss in a private context. Frequent backups aim to prevent data loss and are an essential aspect of IT security.

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Single sign-on: What does that actually mean?

December 6th, 2021 | by
Single Sign-On authentication

Source: Pixabay

Our everyday life is closely accompanied by the internet. We communicate with our peers on the net, share memories on social media, we shop online, search for answers to various questions in forums and much more. All these services usually require a login via username and password. With intensive use of various online services, it is sometimes easy to lose track of everything. This can often lead to downright password chaos. Single Sign-On (SSO) is intended to remove or precisely prevent this chaos. Read the rest of this entry »

“Keep Your Hard Drive” – Data security, a must!

November 29th, 2021 | by

Whether on the work computer, drives or the copier, IT managers in companies, but also each individual employee, have to deal with a lot of data at work. When data media need to be repaired or replaced, we sometimes carelessly hand them over. This also applies to our private PCs at home. But be careful in this matter! We give you tips on how to handle your data media with care and thus ensure greater data security.

Table with laptop, tablet, smartphone and hard drive

Many devices, many data – Keep an eye on your data!
Source: Pixabay

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IT Security Awareness: Increasing Consciousness for IT Security

November 17th, 2021 | by
Logo Cyber Security

Source: Pixabay

Computers have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives. Whether at work or during leisure time, information technology often facilitates our daily lives. Every day and at any time, we surf the internet and provide various institutions with our personal data. Cyberattacks too are becoming more frequent and often cause great damage, not only to the individual user, but also to entire companies and institutions. It is of great importance to protect those sensitive data from being stolen and misused.

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Macros – Our Measures For Your Security

September 1st, 2021 | by
Illustration data theft

Photo: Freepik

***Change of editorial department on 02.11.2021***

E-mails are often misused for phishing attempts and to spread malware. Especially emails with file attachments should be checked critically. In our first article on macros, we explained what macros are and why they can be dangerous. In today’s article, you will learn what precautions are now being taken, what alternative options are available for sending documents, and what precautions you can take to protect yourself from files with dangerous macros. Read the rest of this entry »

How can I recognize trustworthy websites?

August 23rd, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

Surfing the Internet is part of our everyday lives. Both in our private lives and at work, we are using the World Wide Web. We visit websites to inform ourselves, to communicate and even to shop. In the process, data from your own device will automatically be transferred to the website you are visiting and vice versa. When surfing, you should therefore critically inspect every website you visit. Just like in the real world, there are safe places on the Internet and places that you should avoid for your own safety. Nevertheless, how can you judge a website correctly and how can you distinguish between a trustworthy and an untrustworthy website? The following criteria should help you! Read the rest of this entry »

The RWTH email address – your faithful companion to stay up to date

August 6th, 2021 | by
Illustration Computer mit Email

Source: Pixabay

To avoid chaos, in this article we summarize what the RWTH email address is and what else you need to keep in mind around it. Read the rest of this entry »