
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘RegApp’

Protecting the HPC account with MFA

January 27th, 2023 | by

Protection of the HPC account
Source: Freepik

At least a little less than a dozen of Europe’s supercomputers were taken offline simultaneously in May 2020. Several university centres in Europe have been attacked by hackers and had to go offline. The unknown perpetrators hacked the accounts of the users in order to gain access to the supercomputers. Fortunately, our high-performance computer was not affected, but JURECA, JUWELS and JUDAC at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Hawk at the Stuttgart High Performance Computing Centre and the supercomputers at the Leibzig Computing Centre (LRZ), for example, fell victim to the attack.

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RegApp – Start of the pilot phase on the cluster

November 2nd, 2022 | by
Login window with username and unrecognizable password

Source: Pixabay

Cluster users beware!

In preparation for higher security measures when logging in to the RWTH HPC Cluster, your HPC accounts will be switched to RegApp from 02. November 2022.

What is behind this and what will change for you?

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