
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘RWTHapp’

Rwthapp Relaunch: Your Feedback is Needed

July 22nd, 2024 | by
Mockups der RWTHapp

Source: Own illustration

More than a year has already passed since the relaunch of RWTHapp on 3 April 2023. In this blog post, we want to give you an insight into what has happened since then and what the future holds for RWTHapp. Your opinion is particularly important to us. Which is why at the end of the post you will also find out how you can directly influence the further course of development and maybe even win a little something by doing so




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New Semester, New RWTHapp

March 17th, 2023 | by
RWTHApp on the smartphone in hand

Quelle: Eigene Darstellung

New RWTHapp? That’s right – just in time for the start of the summer semester 2023, you will be able to use the app in a new design with new and improved functionalities from April 3, 2023.

Spoiler: The long-awaited Dark Mode is finally available!

Did you know that this app has been around for ten years in November? We’ve published a few posts about the RWTHapp here on the blog over the past few years, reflecting its evolution. Feel free to check them out! Read the rest of this entry »

The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Department of Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching

November 23rd, 2022 | by
Interview photo with department head Christoph Becker and Bernd Decker from the Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching (PDSL) department

Source: Own illustration


With our last picture puzzle for this year, we introduce you to yet another department of the IT Center. On our social media channels, we called for guesswork and searched for a certain word to go with the four pictures, which stands for the department Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching (PDSL). Well, which of you came up with the solution word “digitalization“? You can get more exciting insights into the PDSL department in the interview.

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Feedback on the Beta Version of the RWTHapp 2.0

June 24th, 2022 | by
Cat at mobile phone with app

Source: Own illustration

As part of the beta test, you had the opportunity to test the new RWTHapp in advance in mid-May – which around 3,000 of you did diligently. With the help of your feedback, we are now continuing to work on the app, which is expected to be ready for launch in the course of the coming winter semester 2022/2023 and will accompany you through your daily university life.

Of course, we do not want to deprive you of the results of the beta test and have summarized them for you in this report. Read the rest of this entry »

RWTHapp 2.0 – Test the Beta Version now!

May 9th, 2022 | by
RWTHApp auf dem Smartphone

A little sneak peak for you
Source: Own illustration

The relaunch of the RWTHapp is getting closer and closer! In November and December 2021, you already had the opportunity to put the alpha version of the RWTHapp 2.0 through its paces and give us your feedback.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for your active participation – your feedback was and is enormously important for the further development of the app and has shown us in one or two places where exactly there is still a need for optimization.

Based on your feedback, we have turned the RWTHapp upside down again and made further adjustments. Now we would like to give you the chance to test the beta version of the new RWTHapp. Read the rest of this entry »

The new RWTHapp is on its way – and you can test it as the very first!

November 3rd, 2021 | by
Rising sun with "Good morning RWTH Aachen University

New app, new welcome!
Source: Own illustration

We plan the relaunch of the RWTHApp for mid 2022. To get your feedback during the development, we will launch an alpha test at the end of November 2021! If you use Android or iOS, you can test the new RWTHApp before anyone else for three weeks – from November 22 to December 12, 2021.

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Die RWTHapp effizient nutzen – so wird’s gemacht!

February 12th, 2020 | by


Jedem Erstsemesterstudierenden wird schon in den ersten Tagen an der RWTH Aachen dazu geraten sich die entsprechende App seiner Universität herunterzuladen. Dass das sinnvoll ist, wird sowohl Studierenden als auch Mitarbeitenden schon beim ersten Blick in die App klar.


Startmenü & Kategorienansicht der RWTHApp

Startmenü & Kategorienansicht der RWTHapp
Quelle: Eigene Darstellung


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RWTHapp läuft – seit Neustem ohne Facebook

November 15th, 2019 | by

Dem einen oder anderen ist es vielleicht schon aufgefallen – in unserem Newsfeed, den Ihr über die RWTHapp einsehen könnt, fehlen seit Kurzem Beiträge von dem populären F auf blauem Hintergrund.


Um zu erklären, warum RWTH-relevante Facebook-Beiträge nicht mehr unter den übrigen Neuigkeiten auftauchen, rollen wir das Thema einmal von vorne auf, um die Situation verständlich zu machen.


Der Neuigkeiten-Feed in der RWTHApp.

Der Neuigkeiten-Feed in der RWTHapp.
Quelle: Eigene Darstellung


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RWTHmoodle x RWTHApp

April 15th, 2019 | by

***English Version below***


Die von Studierenden oft eingesetzte RWTHApp unterstützt nun auch RWTHmoodle.


Quelle: Eigene Darstellung


Bereits im Sommersemester 2018 zeigte sich in einer Befragung unter den Pilotteilnehmerinnen und -teilnehmern von RWTHmoodle eine hohe Nachfrage nach der Einbindung der Lernplattform in die häufig genutzte App. Mit dem offiziellen Start in den Regelbetrieb von RWTHmoodle wurde nun auch die Unterstützung durch die RWTHApp umgesetzt und somit auf die Nachfrage reagiert.


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Happy Birthday! RWTHApp feiert 5-jähriges Jubiläum!

November 14th, 2018 | by

Quelle: Eigene Darstellung

Wir gratulieren allen Beteiligten die zu diesem Erfolg beigetragen haben!

Nach einer 3-monatigen Entwicklungszeit im Jahr 2013 wurde am 14. November 2013 die RWTHApp für Android, wenig später dann auch für iOS und Windows Phone 8, veröffentlicht. Eine Meldung zum Start der RWTHApp aus dem 2013 ist auf dem Blog des Logbuch Lehre nach zu lesen. Die Version 0.3 enthielt die grundlegenden Features: Neuigkeiten, L2P, Personen- sowie Raumsuche und Informationen zu Lehrveranstaltungen. Im November wurde die App bereits 460 Mal runtergeladen, ein halbes Jahr später waren es schon über 15.000 Nutzende die die App verwendet haben. Read the rest of this entry »