
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘TK-Portal’

New Function in the Telephone-Administration

April 24th, 2024 | by
Hands on a laptop keyboard

Source: Freepik

Until now, telephone numbers and telephones were managed and controlled centrally.

With a new function in the TK-Portal, administrators can now manage telephones for their facilities independently.

To be able to use this, you need the “Verwaltung Telefonie” role, which can be issued to you by the relevant role manager.

You can find out exactly what the new function means below.

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The Webex Go-Live Is Coming Soon!

October 20th, 2023 | by
Diagram with functions of Webex

Source: Own illustration

After a test phase lasting several months, the day has come: On November 2, 2023, the Webex application will be made available to all employees of RWTH Aachen University. In the long term, Webex is intended to replace the Jabber client, as Jabber is only being further developed to a limited extent.

But what exactly is Webex and how does it work? We would like to explain this to you in a total of three blog posts.

In this first post of the Webex series we talk in general about Webex and how the first steps are, so that you can use the app properly.


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New Look in the TK-Portal

May 22nd, 2023 | by
Foto Cisco Telefon

Source: Own Illustration


With the change to the new Cisco telephone system as part of the network upgrade, a shift is taking place. In the old Alcatel Lucent telephone system, call numbers were tied to telephones. In the new Cisco telephone system, on the other hand, telephone numbers are assigned to persons. This provides users with additional options for organizing their communications independently and flexibly. Read the rest of this entry »