
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Verzeichnis’

ADAM – Active Directory Campaign

May 15th, 2023 | by

The “Managed Service Active Directory” service has been officially discontinued by the end of 2023.

Red index card with a folder logo

Source: Freepik

There were several reasons for discontinuing this managed service. Among other things, the additional costs for the users, the high administrative maintenance effort and the insufficient scalability contributed to this decision.

Howevery, the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University already offers its facilities a far more advantageous alternative: the Active Directory for Workplace Management (ADAM for short).
After a three year project and pilot phase, during which the web interface and a security concept were designed, the managed service has now been introduced.

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Preview: Person data in RWTHcontacts

March 1st, 2023 | by
Preview directory of people

Source: Own illustration


After the introduction of RWTHcontacts and the new central RWTH organization directory last summer, it is now time to introduce the new central RWTH person directory of RWTH Aachen University. In today’s article you can read about the advantages of the new directory.


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RWTHcontacts – Now Online!

August 24th, 2022 | by
Screenshot of the Website RWTHcontacts

Source: Own Illustration

With RWTHcontacts, you get insight into the new organization directory at RWTH Aachen University. To support digitalized processes and in everyday work, we often need information about which employees work at RWTH, where exactly they work and, most importantly, how to reach them.

An organization directory helps us to get this information. It is an information system that contains important data about the mapped institutions. In addition to the master data record, this also includes contacts and addresses. Read the rest of this entry »