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Sani: Working with Multi Channel Audio: Setting up demos in SCaLAr

2022-08-12 @ 11:30 - 12:00

Working with 3D audio formats, especially Ambisonics, is not as straight-forward as traditional channel-based formats like stereo or 5.1. This gets even more complex with irregular loudspeaker arrays like SCaLAr: it is unlike any conventional speaker configuration, and therefore requires combinations of tools to achieve a relatively easy “drag and drop and play” situation.  I will present custom designed demos for the SCaLAr array of various sound-field based and channel-based 3D microphone recordings as well as contents encoded in 3D formats by combining Reaper and Max to have a relatively flexible setup for demo purposes. Additionally, I investigate the usability of RAVEN and Virtual Acoustics for post-production of a VR project as well as for a 6 DoF interactive demo in the VR Lab.

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Zoom-Meeting-ID: 923 3748 3140
Passwort: 042503


11:30 - 12:00


IHTA Seminarraum (60 Persons) and Zoom-Meeting (Hybrid)
Kopernikusstr. 5
Aachen, 52074 Deutschland
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