- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Burger: Internship with Max-Planck-Institute for Brain Research
2022-08-12 @ 11:00 - 11:30
For my internship I joined the “Social Systems and Circuits Group” which is part of the MPI for Brain Research, located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It focuses on identifying neural mechanisms for the processing and production of socially meaningful communication, with a particular emphasis on vocal communication. The research is carried out by studying vocal communication in the naked mole-rat, a highly vocal and highly social rodent. My task was to develop a tracking system to follow the position of the naked mole-rats in their cage system. Within this system there should also be the possibility to record the vocalisations of the naked mole-rat, as well as to determine their hierarchy with the help of video tracking. Ultimately the development of this tracking system (including vocalisation recordings and automated hierarchy determination) was to monitor the evolution of social dynamics within colonies of naked mole-rat and analyse how vocal communication facilitates social exchanges.
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