- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Roos: Influence of Ground Effects in Road Traffic Auralization
2024-12-13 @ 11:00 - 12:00
It is broadly recognized that noise pollution is widespread, especially in urban areas, and can cause long-term psychological effects and health issues. Road traffic noise is a major contributor to noise pollution in residential areas and affects the well-being of a significant number of people. Auralization, the process of making acoustic environments virtually audible through simulation, can help urban planners predict the propagation of sound waves in complex urban environments and, thus, provide a deeper, more intuitive insight into the acoustic environment. The propagation of outdoor sound is influenced by many factors, including geometric spreading, reflection and diffraction, atmospheric absorption and meteorological conditions. Other wave propagation mechanisms, called ground effects, only occur near the ground, where phenomena such as the attenuation of spherical waves, as well as, ground porosity and roughness have a significant influence on the phase and amplitude of the reflected sound field. However, outdoor auralization models that are frequently based on geometrical acoustics, do not yet adequately model these propagation mechanisms. This thesis aims at examining the influence of ground effects on road traffic noise and propose changes to an existing outdoor auralization model with the eventual goal of achieving more plausible road traffic auralization results. Along the way, in-situ ground impedance measurements have been conducted with the aim of further improving predictions of outdoor sound propagation.
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