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Schäfer: Towards real-time auralization of aircraft noise using curved propagation paths

2020-07-17 @ 11:00 - 12:00

Auralizations of simulationed aircraft flyovers can be used to experience aircraft noise in virtual environments. Compared to averaged sound pressure levels or noise maps, listening to such an auralization provides a more sophisticated impression on how annoying the aircraft noise might be in a real scenario. For proper auralization results, the inhomogeneity of the atmosphere, which leads to curved sound paths, has to be taken into account. However, state of the art auralization tools either assume straight paths or are not real-time capable.

In this presentation, a new framework is introduced which allows to simulate curved propagation paths between an aircraft and a receiver very efficiently. Its performance and limitations are discussed for a practical aircraft trajectory. Additionally, the same scenario is auralized using binaural reproduction techniques. The results suggest that a real-time auralization of aircraft noise using curved paths might be possible if extending the current auralization framework accordingly.

Since binaural signals will be presented, it is highly recommended to use headphones during the presentation.

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Zoom-Meeting-ID: 979 8374 4199
Passwort: 120019


11:00 - 12:00




Institut fürTechnische Akustik
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