- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Zhaohui: Development of a directional microphone using a horn extension
2020-08-14 @ 11:00 - 12:00
The goal of this thesis is building an extension that can reduce the interference of the noise in some precision measurement experiments, which means increasing the directivity of the microphone. To reach this goal, this thesis starts from the theory to the simulation, then build the prototypes and tested them in the experiments. Waveguide and horn are introduced with their mathematical modelling and derivation regarding the theory. When the model design is completed, the numerical simulation will be performed by both FEM and BEM. By analysing the data from the simulation, the first draft of the case can be shown. After building the prototype, the experiment can start. The final results show that the extension improves the directivity of the microphone in the ultrasonic welding experiments.
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