

President-Elect of the Acoustical Society of America

07. Mai 2024 | von

In the 2024 Election of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Vorländer has been elected to be the next president of the ASA. From May 2024, Michael will begin his three-year term of office, in which he will pass through the roles of President-Elect, President and Past President.

The presidency will be the culmination of many years of scientific involvement in the ASA, including being a member of ASA’s executive council, regular participation in ASA meetings, many years of activity as a reviewer and associate editor as well as the publication of numerous scientific articles in the Journal of the ASA (JASA), and also the awarding of the Wallace Clement Sabine Medal in 2018.

Congratulations Michael, to this prestigious position!

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