

TU9 universities opt for digital formats

April 3rd, 2020 | by

The TU9 universities have announced that they are sticking to their plans to stage the summer semester 2020 and associated teaching activities as far as possible as a regular and fully valid semester. The TU9 universities, of which RWTH is a member, are working hard to expand digital formats that can be used to implement teaching and examination courses, taking into account the fact that many classroom courses cannot be replaced by digital formats and that alternative examination and graduation options must be designed in a legally compliant manner. “Despite, or perhaps because of, the restrictions caused by the corona virus SARS-CoV-2, the summer semester must not be a lost semester for students,” said Prof. Wolfram Ressel, TU9 President and Rector of the University of Stuttgart. “We are facing up to the current challenges and are working hard and with the support of the federal and state governments on sustainable solutions. The crisis caused by the corona virus poses a major challenge to social, economic, health and university systems worldwide. We are aware of our responsibility and are actively working against a social and economic standstill”.

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