

Updated Regulations on Travel

December 7th, 2020 | by

Due to the updated legal specifications and out of concern for all University members, University Management, in consultation with the Crisis Management Team of RWTH Aachen University, has updated the following regulations regarding travel. In principle, the following still applies: As soon as anyone exhibits COVID-19 symptoms, they are expressly prohibited from entering the RWTH premises. In addition, the following regulations apply to travel to risk areas at present.

Business trips for employees:

In principle, the University will not approve any business trips to risk areas at present. Risk areas are established by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and only include areas outside Germany. There are no risk areas in Germany according to the definition of the RKI. If employees on a business trip return from a country that is classified as a risk area while they are still on their trip, the requirements of the German Federal Ministry of Health apply with regard to the reporting obligations and quarantine regulations. Division 8.3 will be happy to answer any questions you may have on this matter.

Employees may still go on business trips within Germany. It is strongly recommended that you inform yourself about the rate of infection at your destination before you start your journey. Business trips in Germany should, however, still be kept to an absolute minimum. Instead, virtual formats should be used wherever possible. Public transportation and airplanes should not be used if this can be avoided. RWTH presumes that employees have good reason if they decide to use rental cars or their own vehicle for a business trip. Requirements at the destination, possibly caused by the infection rate at the individual’s place of residence, must be observed.

Private travel by employees:

The Crisis Management Team urgently appeals to all employees to refrain from personal travel when it is not absolutely necessary. If, however, employees do go on a trip to a risk area, the respective superiors should be informed in advance so that work arrangements can be planned ahead of time. Here, of course, a work-from-home arrangement could be granted.

If travelers return from a risk area, the requirements of the German Ministry of Health apply with regard to the reporting obligations and quarantine regulations.  Tests to reduce your quarantine period after returning from a trip are currently not provided for by law.

Rules for commuters (employees and students), travelers (students), guests, visitors, service providers, contractors from risk areas:

Individuals from a risk area who are required to come to the University for activities related to their training or studies that cannot be postponed may enter the RWTH premises. If a corresponding certificate is required for travel in your country of origin, the following will be happy to assist you:

  • Central Examination Office for students
  • The human resources departments for employees
  • Division 2.2 for guests, visitors, service providers, etc.

The Crisis Management Team strongly recommends refraining from in-person meetings and switching to video conferencing formats or the like. If guests etc. arrive from risk areas, the host institution must inform them of the reporting obligation.

Important: Following a recent verdict from the Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Corona EinrVO has been suspended. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has not yet adopted any new regulations in this context.

Helpful links (in German only):

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