

FFP2 Masks Provided Specially for Individuals at High Risk

January 19th, 2021 | by

Since mid-December, the German government has made a total of 15 FFP2 masks available to individuals at increased risk for severe illness via local drugstores until spring.

As an employer, RWTH would like to support this measure by providing employees at risk with additional FFP2 masks for use during work. The German government has defined the following as individuals at high risk:

  • Employees over 60
  • Employees with the following medical conditions or risk factors:
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or bronchial asthma
    • Chronic heart failure
    • Chronic kidney failure stage ≥ 4
    • Dementia or stroke
    • Diabetes mellitus type 2
    • Active, progressive, or metastatic cancer or chemotherapy or radiotherapy that may suppress the immune system
    • Recipient of organ or stem cell transplant
    • Down’s syndrome
    • High-risk pregnancy

Employees have to prove that they are generally at high risk for one of the reasons outlined above (with the exception of age) They can do so by providing a copy of the letter from the health insurance provider with the entitlement certificates or a medical certificate, which must be confirmed by the physician treating them. You can find the form here:

Employees in the above-mentioned groups can contact the Occupational Safety and Radiation Protection Staff Unit at the following email address They will then promptly send a total of 5 FFP2 masks to the affected employee’s office address. They will then send another 5 FFP2 masks by interoffice mail around 4 weeks later.

If an affected employee needs more masks due to their particular workplace situation, the Staff Unit will be happy to advise them and arrange an additional dispatch of masks if necessary.

These FFP2 masks are provided free of charge for both employees and the respective university institutions. If the employee has to pay any fees for the required medical certificate, they should keep the receipt for this and send it to Department 8.3, who will reimburse them.

In addition, other employees can also purchase FFP2 masks for their respective university institutions for a small fee at the RWTH Purchasing Portal. Please understand, however, that the number of masks dispensed may have to be limited.

Reusing FFP2 Masks for Own Use (Intranet – for employees)

Reusing FFP2 Masks for Own Use (Internet)

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