

University Chaplains Provide Assistance

March 2nd, 2021 | by

Against the background of the pandemic and the challenges it poses, the Katholische Hochschulgemeine KHG, QuellPunkt, and the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde would like to point out their counseling services to university members. The counselors and chaplains of the university chaplaincy are there for those seeking help in crisis situations, regardless of their affiliation with a church congregation. Here is an overview of the services offered:

KHG – Psychosocial Counseling and Pastoral Care

KHG – Counseling for international students; possibilities of financial support

ESG – Psychosocial counseling and pastoral care

ESG – Counseling for international students; possibilities of financial support

QuellPunkt (Catholic University Center Melaten) – Psychosocial Counseling and Pastoral Care

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