In its updated version of the Coronavirus Vaccination Ordinance, the German federal government has now classed all university employees as priority group 3, meaning they are now considered a higher priority for vaccination. For detailed information, please refer to for more information. RWTH employees will therefore also be given priority for vaccination against COVID-19 – depending on the availability of vaccines.
The Crisis Management Team and RWTH Rectorate would like to point out that the Vaccination Ordinance differentiates between different priority subgroups based on age, pre-existing conditions, or occupational risk. The NRW state government will decide on the order of vaccinations, i.e. when and where (vaccination center, general practitioner, company medical service, etc.) the members of the different priority subgroups will be offered a vaccination. As of yet, no decision has been made for the group of “university employees.”
For this reason, employees will not yet be able to get vaccinated at the Vaccination Center of Städteregion Aachen. However, since some family doctors are already offering vaccinations to individuals classed as priority group 3, the University HR Department will issue a certificate of employment at RWTH in the next few days and send it to employees’ home address, so they can present this certificate to their family doctor to get vaccinated.
RWTH will keep employees updated on the latest developments regarding vaccinations on our FAQ page at
Furthermore, the University will continue to make every effort to offer employees a vaccination service through the University Medical Center as quickly as possible. As soon as we have any new information, the Crisis Management Team will get back in touch with employees.