

Family Services Center Continues to Support Parents

May 28th, 2021 | by

RWTH’s Family Services Center would like to point out that it continues to provide assistance as schools reopen and the current daycare restrictions are being lifted.

As of Monday, May 31, 2021, all schools in districts and independent cities with a stable rate of infection (number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days) of less than 100 will resume in-person classes under adapted conditions. This applies to schools in Aachen as well. The strict hygiene requirements, in particular mask and testing requirements, will continue to apply.

Schulministerium: Regelungen für Schulen ab dem 31. Mai 2021

As of Monday, June 7, daycare facilities in North Rhine-Westphalia will return to regular operation, meaning that all children will again be cared for as contractually agreed. The hygiene and infection protection measures of the Corona Daycare Ordinance will continue to apply, and voluntary self-testing opportunities for children and daycare staff will continue to be offered.

Corona: Aktuelle Informationen für Eltern

Should the infection rate again increase and exceed 100 (or even 165), it cannot be ruled out that schools will return to “alternate” or remote teaching, and that daycare facilities will return to restricted operation. Should RWTH employees, as a result – or due to quarantine requirements, for example – encounter any problems in meeting meet work and family obligations, they are expressly encouraged to get in touch with RWTH’s Family Services Center (

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