

Vaccination against Influenza

September 29th, 2021 | by

With fall fast approaching, flu season is also just around the corner. For this reason, it is very important that elderly people, individuals with increased health risks, and individuals with a high risk of exposure remember to get their annual flu shot, in addition to getting vaccinated against COVID-19. Flu activity is expected to be higher this year, after the flu season was virtually nonexistent in 2020 due to the coronavirus protection measures. On the one hand, this is due to the easing of social distancing and hygiene rules; on the other hand, natural immunity in the population is less pronounced after the mild flu season, leading to higher susceptibility. Furthermore, the influenza vaccination will help relieve the strain on the health care system during the 4th wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

As in previous years, RWTH Aachen employees are offered free vaccination against influenza at the University Medical Center. This season, the quadrivalent influenza vaccine recommended by the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) will be available. The influenza vaccine is reviewed and updated each year based on the prevailing virus types. The new composition is determined by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This year, the University Medical Center will be able to offer employees over the age of 60 the high-dose quadrivalent flu vaccine recommended by STIKO. The fourfold concentration of active ingredients leads to an approximately 30% higher vaccine efficacy compared to conventional influenza vaccines.

The coronavirus situation makes it necessary to adapt the registration and vaccination process to the current protective measures. Appointments for vaccinations must be made in advance using an appointment booking tool, available immediately via .You can use this tool to book an appointment on your preferred date. There are various vaccination locations to choose from (Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, SuperC, FH Jülich).

It is also possible to get vaccinated against influenza during a regular occupational health check-up without making arrangements beforehand.

According to the recommendation of the Robert Koch Institute, the following people should be vaccinated against influenza:

  • People over the age of 60 (preferably with the high-dose quadrivalent vaccine)
  • All pregnant women from the second trimester onwards
  • People of all age groups with increased health risks due to underlying conditions, such as:
    • Chronic respiratory diseases
    • Chronic cardiovascular, liver and kidney diseases
    • Metabolic diseases (e.g. diabetes)
    • Chronic neurological diseases (e.g. multiple sclerosis)
    • Congenital and acquired immune deficiencies
  • Medical staff
  • People whose profession brings them into daily contact with a large number of people
  • People who risk infecting unvaccinated high-risk groups while providing care for them

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