

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

The Crisis Management Team recommends using the Corona-Warn-App

July 7th, 2020 | by

The Crisis Management Team recommends using the Corona-Warn-App offered by the Robert Koch Institute. Further information is available here:

Regulations on In-Person Work Meetings Modified

July 7th, 2020 | by

The University has modified the existing regulation which stipulated that work meetings are only possible in exceptional cases. If the supervisor(s) deems in-person meetings to be essential on the basis of the content of the discussion, such meetings are permitted in compliance with the known hygiene regulations. In all other cases, the University still recommends holding meetings online instead. So-called “hybrid solutions” (partly in person; partly online) are also possible. If larger meeting rooms are required, employees should consider contacting the central room booking service ( To clear up any questions regarding the hygiene regulations, contact the Occupational and Radiation Protection staff unit (

In this context, it should be noted that the guidelines for interviews have been adapted.

The guidelines are available here:

Regulations on Travel and Visits From Abroad

July 7th, 2020 | by

The University will not approve any business trips to risk areas at present. If an employee returns from a country that has been subsequently classified as a risk area, and if the local health department does not issue a quarantine order or shortens the quarantine period for special reasons, the employee must still work from home for the first week following their return.

The Crisis Management Team urgently appeals to all employees to refrain from personal travel to risk areas when it is not absolutely necessary. If, however, employees go on such trips, the respective superiors should be informed in advance so that work arrangements can be planned ahead of time. If, after returning from the risk area, the local health department does not issue a quarantine order or shortens the quarantine period for special reasons, the employee must still work from home for the first week following their return.

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Contact Sports Available at University Sports Center Again From July 20

July 3rd, 2020 | by

The RWTH Aachen University Sports Center (HSZ) is expanding its interim program to include contact sports. These and other sports such as swimming, golf, cycling, and beach volleyball are expected to be part of the indoor and outdoor sports program again from July 20. According to current planning, it will be possible to book the sports that can be practised under the current conditions from July 14 onwards. The HSZ points out that the distancing and hygiene regulations under the Corona Protection Ordinance will continue to apply. The outdoor fitness facilities, changing rooms, and sanitary facilities will still be closed. The Wildenhof water sports facility is only open during the interim program and only for sport courses. The current measures are based on the recommendations of the German Federal Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute, the regulations of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Crisis Management Team of the Aachen City Region and have been agreed upon with University Management.

Rescheduled Exam Plans for SoSe 2020 on RWTHonline

July 1st, 2020 | by

The rescheduled exam plans for summer semester 2020 have now been published on RWTHonline. The registration period for centrally planned exams has been extended up to and including July 6. Please note that different regulations may apply depending on the department.

University Library Study Spaces Can Now Be Booked

June 30th, 2020 | by

Study spaces at the University Library can now be booked. The corresponding system has been activated and from now on, workstations can be booked for the following three days. The University Library would like to point out that capacity is limited in order to comply with the hygiene and distancing rules. It is possible to book via the following page:

For further information please see:

Health Department Gives Advice on Summer Vacations

June 26th, 2020 | by

The Health Department of the Städteregion has provided important information about the upcoming summer vacation – especially for travellers who going to so-called “risk areas”. As of today (Friday, June 26), the current NRW Coronavirus Entry Regulation requires a quarantine at home upon return. Travellers may choose to get tested and will bear the costs for this.

A new corona entry regulation has been in force in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia since June 22 and is currently in effect until July 1. Nevertheless, travellers now going to risk areas should take into account that the same or similar rules will still apply on the day of their return, according to the health authorities. In addition to the comprehensive regulation of the state of NRW on all issues concerning return from travel, the Public Health Department of the StädteRegion Aachen has now published a list of FAQs at: and under the heading “Hilfreiche Informationen”, which provides important information on returning to NRW after a vacation.

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New Exam Plans to Be Published July 1

June 26th, 2020 | by

The rescheduling of the examination phase in the current semester is almost complete. The new exam plans are set to be published on July 1. The registration period for centrally planned examinations will be extended up to and including July 6. Students should note that different regulations apply depending on the department involved. AStA recommends registering for exams now – if the new exam date is not convenient, it is possible to withdraw after July 1. From July 1, students can withdraw up until five minutes before the start of the respective exam via RWTHonline. Up to now, it was necessary to send an mail to the Central Examination Office (ZPA) to request this. The university would, however, ask you to cancel your registration three days in advance in order to help with planning.

Further information on these and other regulations can be found at

Limited Availability of Study Rooms in the University Library From July 1

June 26th, 2020 | by

A limited number of study spaces in the University Library will be available once again from July 1. In a pilot operation, some workstations will be made accessible, but only under the respective hygiene measures, including, for example, a reduced number of places, binding reservation, and the registration of users. Further information will follow shortly.

New Guidelines for Holding Excursions

June 24th, 2020 | by

In addition to the guidelines on holding written exams and practical courses, the Crisis Management Team of RWTH has now provided a guideline on holding excursions. They follow the guidelines of the University Ordinance on the Coronavirus Epidemic and the General Decree on Holding Courses, Practical Courses, and Examinations at Universities in North Rhine-Westphalia issued by the NRW Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs for summer semester 2020. According to these guidelines, the individual in charge of the excursion must submit an application for an in-person excursion to the responsible Dean of Studies well ahead of the planned event.  This form, agreed upon with the Staff Unit of Occupational and Radiation Protection, must be used. If the case is approved, the form, as signed by the Dean of Studies, must be sent to the Crisis Management Team ( The currently valid distance and hygiene regulations stipulated by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) must be adhered to for all excursions, as well as all examinations and courses. All the guidelines can be found in the download area on the pages related to the coronavirus on RWTH’s website: