

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

Latest RWTH Podcast Episode: Challenges for Staff Members

June 24th, 2020 | by

The seventh episode of the RWTH podcast Coronavirus – Our Answers to the Pandemic looks into how staff could be protected during the pandemic while maintaining RWTH operations. In an interview, Werner Möller, Head of the RWTH Department of Human Resources, reports on the challenges for staff members. Together with his team from the RWTH Chair of Sociology of Technology and Organization (STO), Professor Roger Häußling conducts video chat interviews with those responsible for the digitization of teaching, as well as virologists and physicians at Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, the Rectorate of RWTH, AStA, political scientists and experts in ethics, economics (including innovation research), computer science, and mechanical engineering.

Due to Coronavirus: Lousberglauf Is an Online Running Event

June 23rd, 2020 | by

This year, the cult Lousberglauf will be an online event that is free of charge, independent of location, and accessible to all interested parties. The first online running event in Aachen is being prepared. The Lousberglauf digital powered by STAWAG run will take place in the week from June 29 to July 5th and is organized by the RWTH University Sports Center (HSZ). Anyone can take part in the event. Only the distance of 5,555 meters is set. Participants can cover this distance on a route of their choice and record their running time with a sports app. They can then send their results to the organizers online. Peter Lynen, director of the HSZ, is eagerly awaiting the first online Lousberglauf: “I think we have succeeded in creating a great alternative to the popular Lousberglauf in these extraordinary times dominated by Covid-19.

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Alternative Online Program for “Girls go MINT + Sport”

June 23rd, 2020 | by

With the “Girls go MINT + Sport” program, girls can gain exciting insights into STEM disciplines. In light of the current situation with the pandemic, the RWTH Equal Opportunities Office has put together an alternative online program and provides inspiration for the topics of natural sciences and technology with various downloads (only available in German).

Lecture Halls Capacity for Exams Adjusted

June 23rd, 2020 | by

Following the updated guidelines for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the capacity of the lecture halls has been adjusted for the current examination phase. An overview of the current capacity of the exam spaces is available in the download area on coronavirus on the RWTH website:

UROP International Research Internship for Students Has Moved Online

June 18th, 2020 | by

Due to the current travel restrictions, students are unable to take part in exchange programs or experience study periods abroad. RWTH Aachen University has, therefore, launched a unique research internship opportunity for 25 students from the USA and Canada – taking place entirely online and over a distance of more than 6,000 kilometers.

Every year, from May to July, the RWTH International Office supervises the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) International. American and Canadian students then come to Aachen for a ten-week research internship. To make student exchange possible despite the current COVID 19 pandemic, the Chair of Information Management in Mechanical Engineering (IMA) adapted the project plan and designed a concept for a virtual encounter. On this basis, the International Office created a comprehensive virtual experience consisting of tours, buddy offers, and a welcome event.

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Student Dining Halls Reopen

June 17th, 2020 | by

After about three months’ closure due to the pandemic, the Studierendenwerk Aachen is set to reopen its dining halls. They will gradually be reopened, starting with Mensa Academica and Mensa Vita offering a take-out only service from Monday, 22 June. The Studierendenwerk announced this in a press release.

Both dining halls will be open from 11:30am to 3pm on weekdays and only sell food for take-out. All operations will be carried out in compliance with all the necessary protective and hygiene measures and will be limited to the serving area on the ground floor of Mensa Academica. Among other things, a new guidance system will be used for customers. For the time being, it will not be possible to eat and drink on the terraces or in the entire outdoor area.

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RWTH Podcast: Mr Schütt and the Students’ Reaction

June 17th, 2020 | by

The latest episode of the RWTH podcast Coronavirus – Our Answers to the Pandemic is now online. In the sixth episode of the series, Alexander Schütt examines the developments of recent weeks from the perspective of AStA Students’ Committee. In Mr Schütt and the Students’ Reaction, teaching and participation feature among the key topics.

Together with his team from the RWTH Chair of Sociology of Technology and Organization (STO), Professor Roger Häußling conducts video chat interviews with those responsible for the digitization of teaching, as well as virologists and physicians at Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, the Rectorate of RWTH, AStA, political scientists and experts in ethics, economics (including innovation research), computer science, and mechanical engineering.

Registration for RWTH “Schülerunis” Now Open

June 16th, 2020 | by

During the summer vacation, school pupils will have the opportunity to participate in one of RWTH’s Schülerunis online and get to know the University better. Besides the “MINT-Schüleruni” for STEM subjects offered to junior high school pupils, courses in computer science, mechanical engineering, mathematics, physics, as well as the taster event “Engineering Sciences for Girls” are on offer for high school pupils. In online seminars, workshops, and lectures, participants get an impression of what it means to study and the difference between university and school.

Participation is free of charge.

Further information is available at Please note that this information is not available in English, as Schülerunis are only held in German.

Further Opening of University Sports

June 12th, 2020 | by

The University Sports Center (HSZ) is pleased to be able to take a further step toward normalizing sports operations. Now that a limited indoor and outdoor program can be offered again, the ban on entering the outdoor facilities will also be lifted on June 15. This means that both the woodchip and running track can be used again.

The distancing regulations of the NRW Corona Protection Ordinance continue to apply. The HSZ urgently requests all sportspersons to comply with the rules. If these rules are not followed, the HSZ will be forced to revoke individual measures or suspend sports operations again. Non-compliance may result in sanctions and fines.

The outdoor fitness facility, the changing room, and the sanitary facilities remain closed. The Wildenhof water sports facility is only open during the interim program and only for sports operations. The HSZ Service Point can only be reached by telephone, email, or upon arrangement.

The current measures are based on the recommendations of the German Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute, the regulations of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, and the Crisis Management Team of the Aachen city region and have been agreed upon with the university management of RWTH Aachen University. For more of the latest information on the procedure of the university management, please see the University website.

Virtual Advising Offers for Prospective Students

June 12th, 2020 | by

Finding the right degree course is not an easy task. This is why the student advising offices at German universities strive to support prospective students in their decision-making process. However, since many of the in-person events cannot currently take place, the Student Advice Centre of RWTH Aachen University has now devised a range of virtual guidance offers. These offers include online lectures on how to apply for university placement, chats with students, half-day workshops, campus tours, as well as individual counseling sessions via telephone or Skype.

“Normally, we are very busy between Easter and summer vacation. We visit numerous schools, give lectures, present RWTH at trade fairs, and many school groups come to visit the RWTH campus to get a taste of university life,” reports Dr. Mandana Biegi, head of the Student Advice Center at RWTH. “Because of the school closures, high school seniors, for a long time, did not know what was going to happen with their final exams and whether they would be able to graduate,” adds Biegi. But now they can focus again on what’s beyond high school. Therefore, the Student Advice Centre is now ready to support and advise students from a safe distance.

Here is an overview of the virtual advising offers in German.