

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

Face Mask Use Compulsory on Public Transport and When Shopping

April 22nd, 2020 | by

From Monday, 27 April, it will be compulsory to wear a mouth and nose protection on buses and trains and when shopping in North Rhine-Westphalia. This was announced by the state government on Wednesday, April 22. All citizens as well as retailers will be given the necessary time to adapt to the regulation, which will take effect on Monday. Until then, the state government encourages individuals voluntarily to wear mouth and nose protection. The use of scarves or home-made masks is also permitted.

Oral Exams Continue to Be Held by Video Conferencing Only

April 22nd, 2020 | by

Based on the new NRW-wide regulations concerning the summer semester, which has started online as an optional semester, and in agreement with the faculties, the Rectorate has decided to issue a supplementary regulation to the general examination regulations. Importantly, oral exams will continue to be held by video conferencing only. In principle, as agreed by the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia, all courses that can be offered digitally will take place online for the entire summer semester.

RWTH Press Release

AStA: Coronavirus FAQ (in German)

University Library: Loan Services Resume

April 22nd, 2020 | by

The RWTH University Library has announced that from now on it is again possible to borrow textbooks. Orders and appointments for collection can be made via email to

Interlibrary loans for books and other media cannot be offered until further notice. Ordering journal articles via DigiBib is possible. Special conditions agreed at short notice with copyright collectives makes it possible to provide articles electronically until May 31.

Development of a Simple Ventilator

April 21st, 2020 | by

RWTH and Luisenhospital are supporting Viessmann in developing a simple ventilator. Mass production is possible at short notice, as it was possible to fall back on the proven technology of gas condensing boilers.

Full Press Release

Online Semester is an Optional Semester

April 20th, 2020 | by

On 15 April 2020, the NRW Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of published a University Ordinance dealing with the impact of the Coronavirus Epidemic on university studies, which also affects the standard period of study.

It defines the summer semester 2020, which started in North Rhine-Westphalia as an online semester on April 20, as an optional semester.

RWTH, however, largely continues to operate, with a few exceptions (concerning excursions, for example). “We are doing everything possible to avoid extending the period of study for our students,” explains Professor Aloys Krieg, RWTH Vice-Rector of Teaching. For example, RWTH has been offering online teaching resources since April 6, 2020.

RWTH Press Release: Online Summer Semester

AStA: Coronavirus FAQ

How to Wear a Face Mask Covering the Nose and Mouth

April 20th, 2020 | by

In order to protect oneself and others from infection with SARS-CoV-2, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recommends wearing a mask covering both mouth and nose in certain situations in public places.

This applies in particular to situations where several people meet in closed rooms and stay there for a longer period of time (for example at the workplace) or if it is not possible for individuals to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters to others (for example in public transport or in shops).

It is important that the mask is worn tightly over the mouth and nose. Furthermore, it must be changed when it becomes wet; it must not be manually adjusted (even unconsciously) and must not be worn around the neck. A leaflet with information on the various types of masks can be found on the Internet at (in German, see Schutzmasken-ABC).

Updated Coronavirus Regulations and Effective Dates at RWTH

April 16th, 2020 | by

The new regulations mandated by the federal and state governments as well as the Robert Koch Institute have resulted in some adjustments or extensions of the RWTH regulations previously in place. For an overview of the updated dates and regulations, please visit

Due to the worldwide spread of the coronavirus, the Robert Koch Institute is no longer providing information on specific risk areas. The special regulations for employees living in the district of Heinsberg and in the Netherlands are also no longer in place. Some regulations will be further adapted in due course, depending on the upcoming decisions of the Federal State of NRW, which are expected to be announced over the next few days and weeks. The crisis management team and the University management are making every effort to put in place updated regulations for RWTH as soon as possible, soon after the state has mandated the new regulations. The overview on the RWTH website will be updated accordingly, and any new regulations will be communicated via this blog.

RWTH Regulations and Effective Dates

Blood Donations in the SuperC

April 16th, 2020 | by

Providing enough blood for hospitals and vulnerable patients is a challenge during the coronavirus pandemic. The Blood Donation Unit of Uniklinik RWTH Aachen thus depends on the support of the population to ensure the supply of safe blood products in these difficult times. Until April 24, 2020, blood drives will continue to take place exclusively at the Sparkassenforum of the SuperC, Templergraben 57. Donations can be made on weekdays between 11:30am to 5pm. Uniklinik would like to point out that there will be no blood donation appointments at the University Hospital or other external locations until further notice.

Further information on restrictions for blood donors is available at (de). Generally, the following rules apply: Those who would like to donate blood should feel healthy and well, those who feel ill are advised to stay at home. Dates can be arranged using the BALU+ blood donation app, so as to avoid waiting periods. Of course, donors can also come by at any time without arranging an appointment beforehand.

AStA Launches #IchHabKultur Program

April 14th, 2020 | by

In light of the ban of public gatherings of more than two people and the suspension of in-person events, RWTH Students’ Committee AStA is now providing a regularly updated overview of digital offerings, such as streams of live concerts from home, do-it-yourself tutorials, online consultations, and active communities at

Easter Greetings from the Pastoral Carers of the Aachen Universities

April 11th, 2020 | by

The pastoral care providers of the Aachen universities have published a letter to all students, teachers and employees. The summer semester lecture period should have started this week. But due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, other things have become more important, such as flattening the infection curve as much as possible through concerted action. Each and every one of us is doing their part. This leads to many limitations and personal challenges – in addition to the organizational, technical and economic aspects that are currently being discussed. Some may already be highly concerned for people close to them or for their own health.

In these difficult times, university chaplains Pastor Matthias Fritz from the Catholic University Community ( and Pastor Dr. Swantje Eibach-Danzeglocke from the Protestant Student Community ( offer their support by offering confidential telephone and video consultations. Should it become necessary, the pastoral staff are also available to offer support with rituals of mourning in the case of loss.

Even if in-person contacts are currently hardly possible, you are invited to share thoughts and requests with other university members. A digital “Prayerwall” at has been set up for this purpose. Every evening at 7.30 pm, the care units provides you with a short film that invites you to take a personal look back at the day and to pray. The current link can be found on the Facebook pages of KHG and ESG Aachen.