

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

(Deutsch) Was beim Händewaschen mit den Viren geschieht

May 6th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Compensation for Lost Income Due to Childcare Responsibilities

May 4th, 2020 | by

If you are unable to go to work at RWTH because of closed childcare centers and schools and have lost earnings because you have to look after your child(ren), you can apply for compensation. The compensation scheme that has been put in place is to protect you against excessive loss of income.

Entitled to compensation are, under certain conditions, parents or guardians who have to stay at home for these reasons.

Coronavirus FAQ

For further information, please refer to the web pages of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and of the NRW Salaries and Pensions Office LBV and the Landschaftsverbands Rheinland LVR.

Blood Donations in the Super C Until Friday

May 2nd, 2020 | by

Blood can still be donated in the coming week, that is until Friday, May 8, on the RWTH central campus. The blood drives will exclusively take place in the Sparkassenforum of the Super C, Templergraben 57. Blood can be donated Monday to Friday from 11:30am to 5pm. Until then, there will be no appointments at Uniklinik RWTH Aachen or other external locations.

On Monday, May 11, the Sparkassenforum will be closed as a location for blood drives. Starting May 12 May, blood drives will again be held in the University hospital. In order to be able to maintain sufficient physical distance, the location for donations will be the large seminar room located on the ground floor; the so-called blood donation corridor on floor 3 will remain closed. Donors please note the signage. We ask you to remember to carry a face mask covering mouth and nose.

Up to 1,500 Face Shields per Day Can Now be Produced at RWTH

April 29th, 2020 | by

Throughout Germany, people are currently working to produce urgently needed equipment in the fight against the corona pandemic. Under the tagline, one such initiative was also launched in Aachen. One of its aims is the production of a makeshift visor for medical personnel with high patient contact. Up to 1,500 face shields can now be produced at RWTH Aachen University per day. “This is rapid prototyping in perfection: Using 3D printing and similar processes, a prototype can be produced from a virtual 3D model, tested, and the design directly modified within a few hours,” explains RWTH professor Jan Borchers, initiator of the initiative.

Full Press Release

Why #RWTHhilft Is so Important

April 28th, 2020 | by

A joint initiative aims to support students who are facing unanticipated financial challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic. RWTH with its citizens’ forum RWTHextern, sponsoring association Förderverein proRWTH e. V., and AStA Students’ Committee have jointly initiated a relief program to support students put at a disadvantage by the Corona crisis.

In interviews with the AStA Students’ Committee, RWTH Rector UlrichRüdiger, proRWTH Chair Ernst Schmachtenberg, and Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Rector’s Delegate for the RWTHextern citizens’ forum explain why this initiative is so important:

Interview Professor Rüdiger

Interview Professor Schmachtenberg

Interview Professor Rosenthal-von der Pütten

Single Parents Can Use Special Care Infrastructure for Their Children

April 27th, 2020 | by

The state of NRW has extended its regulations for special childcare needs. As of now, single parents who are in gainful employment can also use the special care infrastructure for their children.

This requires a certificate from the employer confirming the existing employment relationship and stating the number of hours worked. The single parent needs to submit this together with a written request stating their situation to the respective childcare institution, who will then decide on their application or otherwise help with placement. Since there are no standard forms for the employer’s certificate, it is recommended that parents clarify in advance with the respective childcare institution what information the certificate should contain. Some institutions may also provide their own forms for this purpose. The HR departments of RWTH Aachen University are happy to help issue the required certificate.

Source: FAQ Surrounding the Coronavirus Situation

Written Exams May Be Held From May 11

April 24th, 2020 | by

A general decree of the NRW Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs dated April 23, 2020, now allows RWTH to hold written exams from May 11, 2020, as long as hygiene and physical distancing requirements are observed. We recommend to continue to refrain from taking face-to-face oral exams and instead use video conferencing to keep personal contact to a minimum in the current pandemic.

Lab courses are expected to begin on May 4. Holding in-person exam script viewing sessions, however, is subject to strict regulations. Examiners and students will be provided with recommendations on the implementation of written exams in due course. The exam dates that were canceled in the summer semester before May 11 will then be immediately rescheduled to the time after excursion week. Please check the RWTH website and this blog regularly for further information.

Courses offered digitally, such as seminars, lectures, and tutorials, may only be converted into in-person classes for compelling reasons and if the number of participants does not exceed 20. Currently, arrangements for this are being agreed with the Rectorate.

More Information


National Covid-19 Task Force Launched

April 24th, 2020 | by

The National Task Force of the Covid-19 research network of university medical institutions in Germany was officially constituted today to launch its activities, announced the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The network is funded by the BMBF, receiving 150 million euros. Its task is to pool and strengthen research activities in German university hospitals in order to cope with the current pandemic crisis. “All German university hospitals are ready to become part of the National Research Network against Covid-19. This is a very good sign. The hospitals are working hand in hand to provide the best possible treatment for Covid-19 patients. A strong alliance is emerging and I wish it every success,” said Federal Minister of Research Anja Karliczek.

University Elections Postponed Until 2021

April 24th, 2020 | by

In light of the current exceptional circumstances, in agreement with the Senate chair, the Senate spokespersons of the academic groups, the AStA chairperson, the election committee of the student body, the chair of the student parliament, and the administrative division involved in organizing University elections, the Rectorate has taken the decision to postpone the elections to the university bodies by one year. The elections are now scheduled to take place in the 2021 summer semester.

For the members of the Senate, the Faculty Councils, and of the other University bodies, this means that they can remain in office until next year’s elections. If individual members are no longer able to perform their duties, they may resign, and their respective deputies shall take on their position. If the list of deputies is exhausted, a by-election may be held.

In the current situation, for both capacity and organizational reasons, it is not possible to establish an online election process, although the introduction of online elections for all groups would certainly make sense in the near future, said the University management.


Summer Semester Admissions Valid for Winter Semester 2020/21

April 23rd, 2020 | by

All students who are enrolled at or on leave from RWTH Aachen University in summer semester 2020 will have their individual standard period of study extended by one semester. All admissions for summer semester 2020 in degree programs with open admission will still be valid for winter semester 2020/21. Students will receive further information from the Registrar’s Office and International Office as soon as these specifications have been implemented in RWTHonline. RWTH would like to ask you for a little patience in this matter.