

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

Temporary deployment of Microsoft Teams

March 23rd, 2020 | by

Because many people are currently using telephone or video conferencing systems, the DFNConf system is overloaded and therefore unstable. In order to provide employees with a tool supported by the RWTH, the cloud platform Microsoft (MS) Teams will be made available for a limited period of time until the crisis situation has passed. The tool was reduced (as far as technically possible) to absolutely essential services. Furthermore, the transfer of your personal data to Microsoft is carried out via an identity provider (Shibboleth) controlled by RWTH Aachen University. University employees Aachen have access to a separate domain ( administered exclusively by the RWTH.

Information on access to MS Teams for RWTH employees can be found in the right-hand column under

Informationen and instructions on how to use MS Teams can be found in the right-hand column under

Information on current availability can be found at

Employees of the Central University Administration may contact the ZHV Helpdesk directly if you have any questions: +49 241 80 99020


The following key points apply to the provision of MS Teams to RWTH employees:

  • MS Teams is intended for official use. There are no objections against the use for private purposes – to maintain the social exchange with each other.
  • The use of MS Teams is permitted for the following purposes:
    • 1:1 Communication via chats and video calls
    • Chat-, telephone- and video conferences as a replacement for work meetings, meetings etc.
  • No personnel or employee discussions in terms of labour law may be conducted via MS Teams.
  • The use of MS Teams is voluntary. However, the RWTH strongly advises all relatives to replace physical contacts with digital services due to the current risk of infection.
  • There is no behavioural or performance review by MS teams. Any data collected by MS Teams is not usable for such a purpose.

Even if it is a special situation at the moment, the use of MS Teams has to take into account the usual considerations of data and secrecy protection as well as foreign trade law. The respective specialist departments of the Central University Administration will be happy to advise you on this if required. Please also note that the CLS develops and provides parallel services to support digital teaching. You can obtain information on this at

Service Center Waste Management with only limited availability

March 23rd, 2020 | by

Due to the limited availability of personnel, the Service Center Waste Management (SCA) is going into emergency operation. The following measures are necessary to ensure the disposal of time-critical waste at RWTH Aachen University: The Service Center Waste Management is not operational on Mondays and Fridays, but it is staffed from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. from Tuesday to Thursday. During this time, waste can only be accepted by telephone. In addition, SCA employees can be reached by telephone and e-mail during normal office hours.

Leopoldina recommends nationwide shutdown

March 22nd, 2020 | by

The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, to which RWTH scientists also belong, has published an ad-hoc statement on health policy options for action against the further spread of coronaviris in Germany. This announcement, by an interdisciplinary working group of the Leopoldina, states that a Germany-wide temporary “shutdown” (approx. 3 weeks) with consequent spatial distance is recommendable from a scientific point of view at this time. Essential and health-preserving activities must remain possible.

Warning against fraud

March 21st, 2020 | by

The City of Aachen warns against fraudsters who pretend to be employees of the public health department and gain access to apartments under the pretext of taking corona samples. In a statement, the City emphasizes that the public health department is not conducting home visits in the wake of the corona crisis. The police should be informed immediately if there is any suspicion of such fraud.

(Deutsch) Nutzung der Sportanlagen auf dem Königshügel verboten

March 20th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

(Deutsch) Wegebescheinigung für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, die nicht im Homeoffice arbeiten

March 20th, 2020 | by

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Pendlerbescheinigungen für Beschäftigte, die in den Niederlanden wohnen

March 20th, 2020 | by

Auch die niederländische Regierung beabsichtigt wie zuvor schon Belgien, die Bewegungsfreiheit für die Bevölkerung einzuschränken. Es wird mit einer entsprechenden Regelung am Wochenende gerechnet, die dann kurzfristig in Kraft treten dürfte.

Diese Regelung kann es möglich machen, dass Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der RWTH, die in den Niederlanden wohnen, eine sogenannte Pendlerbescheinigung von ihrem Arbeitgeber, also der RWTH, benötigen. Die Beschäftigten können diese bei ihrer zuständigen Personalsachbearbeiterin beziehungsweise bei dem Personalsachbearbeiter per Mail anfordern. Die Bescheinigung wird dann umgehend per Scan zugesandt.

Straßenverkehrsamt Würselen kurzfristig geschlossen

March 20th, 2020 | by

Der Bürgerservice Zulassung im Straßenverkehrsamt Würselen muss am heutigen Freitag wegen kurzfristigen personellen Engpässen komplett geschlossen bleiben.

Auswirkungen auf wissenschaftliche Qualifikationen

March 20th, 2020 | by

Sofern die aktuellen Einschränkungen im Dienstbetrieb der RWTH Auswirkungen auf die wissenschaftliche Qualifikation haben können, sollen die jeweiligen Betreuerinnen und Betreuer zeitnah angesprochen werden, um kurzfristig notwendige Maßnahmen abzusprechen. Die RWTH wird alles daran setzen, dass es zu keinen vermeidbaren Verzögerungen kommt.

Durchführung drittmittelgeförderter Projekte

March 20th, 2020 | by

Wegen der aktuellen Einschränkungen im Dienstbetrieb der RWTH und der damit verbundenen möglichen Verzögerungen bei der Durchführung von drittmittelgeförderten Projekten wird die Hochschule Hinweise und Neuigkeiten so schnell wie möglich an die Projektverantwortlichen weitergeben. Mit kurzfristigen Fragen können sich Projektverantwortliche gerne per E-Mail an die Drittmittelabteilung wenden.