

Certificate for Submission to the Tax Office

March 12th, 2021 | by

If RWTH employers need a certificate for submission to the tax office for their 2020 tax return, they can find a form for download in the forms database. Current legislation does not require employees to provide evidence for the number of days spent working from home. However, the tax authorities may request a confirmation from the employer.

Regulations for Citizens’ Tests Taken During Working Hours

March 12th, 2021 | by

Under the directive of the federal and state governments, various locations to offer free rapid COVID-19 antigen tests (so-called citizens’ tests) are currently being installed in the Aachen city region. The Crisis Management Team and the Rectorate expressly support this measure. Particularly in the introductory phase of the citizens’ tests, it is possible that the rapid tests can be taken at specific time slots only. For this reason, every employee not exclusively working from home must be given an opportunity to take a so-called citizens’ test. If they can only take the test during working hours, the time spent taking the test, including travel times, will count as working time.

The Crisis Management Team also intends to make coronavirus self-tests available via the RWTH Purchasing Portal.

Work-From-Home Arrangements Extended Through April 30, 2021

March 12th, 2021 | by

The German government has published an updated Coronavirus Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance (“Corona-Arbeitsschutzverordnung”), which aims to better protect employees from infection with the coronavirus. The Crisis Management Team has announced the following measures for RWTH:

  • The work-from-home arrangements already in place will be extended through April 30, 2021.
  • Regarding work that requires an employee’s presence on campus, we would like to once again remind you of the following, non-final, catalog of measures:
    • Employees should work one to a room if possible. In larger rooms, 10 square meters of space should be provided per person.
    • If the minimum distance (1.5 m) or the 10 square meter rule cannot be observed, medical masks must be provided to the employees. The masks can be purchased via the RWTH-Purchasing Portal and billed to the respective university institution.
    • If necessary, departments are encouraged to establish fixed (working) groups.
    • The possibility of staff working in shifts should actively be explored. The adjusted regulations regarding flexible working hours in the ZHV continue to apply.
    • Furthermore, virtual formats must continue to be used for job interviews.

The Crisis Management Team and the Rectorate are aware that the current measures pose considerable challenges for all RWTH employees. By following all these measures, we can make a valuable contribution to preventing further infections.

New Visiting Hours and Rules at University Hospital

March 10th, 2021 | by

Uniklinik RWTH Aachen is adapting its visiting regulations to current developments. Starting Monday, March 8, 2021, patients are allowed to receive visitors regardless of the duration of their hospital stay. Only one visitor is permitted for one hour per patient per day, and visiting hours are extended to between 12 Noon and 6 pm (last admission), as was announced by Uniklinik. Visitors should fill out the required registration form in advance and hand it in at the main entrance.

For the form, addtional information in German and special provisions, please refer to:

University Sports Center Expands Online Workout Options

March 8th, 2021 | by

The University Sports Center (HSZ) is adding to its virtual exercise offerings. “Due to popular demand, live-streamed fitness classes will now be available for up to seven days On Demand,” explains Peter Lynen, director of the HSZ. The recordings of the workouts can be accessed from the next business day at

No In-Person Exams Through April 12

March 5th, 2021 | by

The examination board chairpersons and the deans of academic affairs at RWTH decided that no in-person exams will be held until the start of the summer semester lecture period (April 12, 2021). This applies to both written and oral exams. Instructors are strongly urged to make use of online exams or other alternative exam formats.

The following exceptions may apply: In justified cases, written exams that conform to the requirements of the General Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs (AV) may, as an exception, be held in person on central University premises.  This exception shall apply for exams with at least 50 registered exam candidates (target size). Possible delays in students’ academic progress due to in-person courses held in the summer semester can be considered a justified reason to offer an in-person exam, for example. The chair or department must request approval to hold an in-person exam. The request must be approved by the Office of the Dean of Academic Affairs and then presented to the Rectorate for final approval.

As before, examiners can request for students who do not wish to participate in a proctored online exam for significant, valid reasons to take the written exam in-person in a lecture hall at the same time, provided that this is the only date offered for the exam this semester.

The hygiene measures in place continue to apply to exceptions for written exams and in-person written exams held on campus at RWTH at the same time as online exams. All exam candidates must wear a medical mask during the exam. For the regulations currently in place, please refer to the Guidelines for Exams, Courses, and Exam Reviews.

It is also still possible that an exam will be rescheduled to the second exam date. If only one exam is scheduled for the winter semester, a second exam date must be offered in the summer semester. Oral exams must continue to be held as online exams. In order not to expose participants to public transportation any more than necessary, conducting these exams on RWTH premises is not allowed.

The decision on all exams held by the Faculty of Medicine will continue to be the responsibility of the Dean’s Office of Faculty 10.

If there are changes in the Corona Protection Ordinance, the Crisis Management Team and the University Management will again approach faculty and students at short notice.

German Rectors’ Conference Calls for Secure Scenarios for Universities

March 5th, 2021 | by

Students and universities absolutely have to be considered in the scenarios for further action in the coronavirus crisis, demands President of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) Professor Dr. Peter-André Alt, regarding the resolutions passed by the German and state governments on Wednesday. “Students and universities also have a great interest in returning to secure in-person classes, where possible, at least partially and differentiated. We have students who have been enrolled for two semesters and have never seen the university and their fellow students in person. Exam candidates have a legitimate interest in continuing their exam preparation promptly and safely, at least partly, in person – here, too, test concepts can and must be carefully tried out and quick tests used. The same applies to enabling laboratory exercises,” according to an HRK press release.

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University Chaplains Provide Assistance

March 2nd, 2021 | by

Against the background of the pandemic and the challenges it poses, the Katholische Hochschulgemeine KHG, QuellPunkt, and the Evangelische Studierendengemeinde would like to point out their counseling services to university members. The counselors and chaplains of the university chaplaincy are there for those seeking help in crisis situations, regardless of their affiliation with a church congregation. Here is an overview of the services offered:

KHG – Psychosocial Counseling and Pastoral Care

KHG – Counseling for international students; possibilities of financial support

ESG – Psychosocial counseling and pastoral care

ESG – Counseling for international students; possibilities of financial support

QuellPunkt (Catholic University Center Melaten) – Psychosocial Counseling and Pastoral Care

Königshügel Stadium Reopens With Restrictions

February 25th, 2021 | by

Due to the current amendments to the Coronaschutzverordnung (Coronavirus Protection Ordinance) of North Rhine-Westphalia of February 22, individuals can once again take part in limited sports activities on and in all public and private sports facilities. In doing so, a minimum distance of five meters must be maintained between other individuals and groups at all times. “We are happy we can resume sporting activities on a small scale in coordination with the Crisis Management Team,” explains Peter Lynen, director of the University Sports Center (HSZ). The HSZ asks all individuals using the facilities to pay attention to the prescribed distancing rules and thus ensure everyone’s health is protected.

Takeout Option at Mensa Vita Starts March 1

February 23rd, 2021 | by

Following the reopening of Mensa Academica, Studierendenwerk Aachen continues to expand its catering services for students. On Monday, March 1, Mensa Vita at Campus Melaten will also reopen. Mensa Vita will then be open from 11:30am to 2:30pm, Monday through Friday. For the time being, only takeout food will be offered to guests. There will be a choice of two dishes: a vegan/vegetarian option for 2.10 euros and the “classic” with fish or meat for 2.60 euros.
In accordance with the current Coronaschutzverordnung (Coronavirus Protection Ordinance), only students and university employees are entitled to use the dining hall. Studierendenwerk asks guests to understand that their affiliation to the University will be checked at the entrance, as in the main dining hall. Otherwise, operations will continue, taking into account all necessary protective and hygiene measures. For the time being, it will not be possible to consume food and beverages in the building, on the terraces, nor the entire outdoor area. Guests must wear FFP2 masks or medical masks in Mensa Vita.

Studierendenwerk would like to emphasize that the takeout operation is primarily intended as a form of emergency provision for students in need. All those who do not depend on food from the dining hall are asked to use other catering options.