
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

New Video – How Do I Archive Research Data at RWTH?

May 17th, 2022 | by

Are you new to the topic of archiving research data? You think archiving is just a technical question of where to store it? Then we now have something for you: namely a recently published video on the topic of archiving research data, created by the University Library of RWTH Aachen University.




E-Tutorial: Archiving Research Data at RWTH Aachen

Research data are an essential part of scientific work. They are needed to substantiate scientific statements and may also be relevant for future research questions. In addition, digitisation opens up completely new possibilities for using data. This is why Guideline 17 of the Code of Good Scientific Practice explicitly addresses archiving.

This e-tutorial explains what you should consider when archiving your research data and how to archive your research data at RWTH.


“Archiving is more than saving with backup!”




In just under four minutes, you will learn the basics about the importance of archiving, gain insights into the various steps involved in archiving and where you archive your data. The key word here is ‘Coscine’, the integration platform for your research data. But see for yourself: You can find the video “Archiving Research Data at RWTH Aachen University” on YouTube:

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Learn more

If you would like to learn more about Research Data Management or have questions about Coscine, feel free to write the ServiceDesk. The RDM team looks forward to hearing from you. For more information on RDM, please visit the RWTH websites.



Responsible for the content of this article are Lina-Louise Kaulbach and Ute Trautwein-Bruns.


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