
IT Center Blog

Winter is Coming… and With it Completely New Possibilities: The New Plugins in RWTHmoodle

October 12th, 2020 | by

Yesterday we enjoyed 30 degrees in the sun, but now the first gingerbread is smiling at us in the supermarket. An unmistakable sign that we have arrived in the semester with the word “winter”. It is high time to replenish our own stock of thick socks (keyword: brace yourself). But besides cold and darkness, the winter semester has a lot of great new possibilities to offer, like our three new plugins in RWTHmoodle!

Source: Pixabay

Already last semester the plugins were tested in pilot operation by selected courses, evaluated as good, and have now been included in the regular operation for all course rooms. Today we present them to you:

Sciebo in RWTHmoodle

You know Sciebo. And you know RWTHmoodle. And together they make a true dreamteam! Thanks to Sciebo in RWTHmoodle, lecturers can now easily provide their students with very large files in the course room without the usual upload limit of 250 MB

Anonymous access statistics

During the digital summer semester, which lecturer has not asked himself or herself this question: “Is anyone actually looking at what I provide?”. This question is now giving way to finite clear figures – thanks to our anonymous access statistics. These allow lecturers to check how often individual activities and materials in the course room were clicked on. These access figures, which do not allow conclusions about individual students, are thus an important basis for evaluating and adjusting your own teaching concept with RWTHmoodle.

Virtual Programming Lab (VLP)

VPL is our secret weapon for programming tasks. With this plugin, for example, tasks with programming codes can be checked automatically. This relieves lecturers and students receive faster feedback on their work.

Want more information?

You need more information or would like to know how your concrete teaching scenario can be supported with the plugins? Then write to the IT-ServiceDesk. We will be happy to help you!

Responsible for the content of this article is Susanne Kubiak.

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