
IT Center Blog

IT Center Trainee Honored For Internship Abroad

January 12th, 2024 | by
Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmer der IHK Veranstaltung Zukunft Ausbildung

Source: Astrid Piethan

A few weeks ago, our DiMa trainee Yasin Kalem shared his experiences and adventures during his internship abroad in Malta with us.

Not only was he congratulated for this. He even received an award for his special commitment from the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) at the renowned “Zukunft Ausbildung” event!



The award ceremony took place in the festive atmosphere of the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce’s Börsensaal, where around 300 representatives of various companies directly or indirectly involved in professional training gathered. The eponymous “Zukunft Ausbildung” award was presented in two important categories: “Commitment to training” and “Innovative approaches to professional training”.

After a warm welcome, accompanied by sparkling wine and orange juice, the kick-off was introduced by a welcome speech from the IHK Presidium. The speech not only underlined the importance of professional training as a crucial way to acquire practical knowledge, but also emphasized its economic and personal relevance. Yasin was able to identify particularly well with this core statement, which was later expanded on in a lecture by philosopher Christian Uhle.


Short Insight

Uhle spoke about the topic of “New Work” and emphasized that technologies and advancing digitalization are increasingly giving us the opportunity to fulfill ourselves. This goes hand in hand with personal responsibility and the need to engage intensively with ourselves and our environment. Consequently, professional training should not only be seen as training for qualified specialists, but also as a path to individual development, self-determination and a sense of purpose in professional life.

Here Yasin found parallels to his own professional training at the IT Center – it not only influenced his personal development, but also gave him the feeling that he was making an important contribution to the IT Center and RWTH.


Award Ceremony

Hosted by Konstantin Klostermann from Radio Köln, the event continued with the award ceremony.

In the category “Commitment to Training”, the jury awarded the prize to Michael Reininghaus. As a trainee at filmpool entertainment GmbH, he emphasized the importance of well-grounded, practice-oriented training, from which graduates can also benefit after their training.

The second winner was chosen by the audience. The nominees presented their concepts in two minutes. The audience award for innovative concepts went to the company Flossbach von Storch.

With the “Training Onboarding Journey”, the company developed a concept that enables trainees to take a comprehensive “journey” through the company.

In addition, awards were also presented for participation in internships abroad. A well-deserved certificate, which recognizes his and RWTH Aachen University’s extraordinary commitment, went to our trainee Yasin Kalem. We congratulate Yasin on this well-deserved award!

This exciting day was rounded off with plenty of refreshments as well as active networking with other participants and was a complete success for all involved.


Responsible for the content of this article is Yasin Kalem.

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