
IT Center Blog

Basics at RWTH: RWTHmoodle

February 3rd, 2025 | by
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Source: Own Illustration

Welcome to the fourth article in our series: Basics at RWTH. Having already dealt with topics such as the e-mail service, ConnectMe and the IdM self-service, today we are taking a closer look at RWTHmoodle – the central learning platform at RWTH Aachen University.

RWTHmoodle is the hub of learning for many students. Here you will not only find course materials and submission options, but also many other tools that make your everyday study life easier.


What Is RWTHmoodle?

RWTHmoodle is the central learning management system of RWTH Aachen University, which is based on the open source software Moodle. It is the central point of contact for students and lecturers to organise courses, exchange materials and design the learning process digitally.

If you want to download lecture notes, take part in interactive online tests or upload submissions, RWTHmoodle offers you all the tools you need to organise your studies efficiently.


Functions of RWTHmoodle

The platform is versatile and covers numerous areas that you will encounter in your day-to-day studies:

  1. Provision of course materials: Lecturers upload lecture slides, exercises or supplementary literature here. You can easily download these documents and use them offline.
  2. Interactive tasks and tests: Many courses use RWTHmoodle for electronic self-tests. This allows you to test and consolidate your knowledge directly.
  3. Submission of work: Homework, project reports and exercises can be uploaded directly to the platform. Submission is secure and reliable and deadlines are displayed in the course overview.
  4. Upcoming deadlines: Students are informed about upcoming deadlines for assignments or if the date has been exceeded. You will also receive a message when a test is available. More information on IT Center Help.
  5. Discussion forums and collaboration: Many courses have discussion forums where questions can be asked and answered. This encourages dialogue between students and lecturers.
  6. Organisation and notifications: The integrated calendar helps you to keep track of deadlines and important events. You will be informed directly via notifications when there are changes in your courses.
  7. Personalisation and mobility: With the RWTHapp you can also use RWTHmoodle on the move. You always have access to your courses, whether you are on your way to university or at home.


How do I access RWTHmoodle?

Accessing RWTHmoodle is very simple and is done via RWTH Single Sign-On:

  1. Open the RWTHmoodle website.
  2. Log in with your username and password.
  3. After logging in, you will be shown all the courses in which you are enrolled.

If you have difficulties logging in or have questions about course allocation, you can find support at the IT-ServiceDesk or on IT Center Help.


Tips for the optimal use of RWTHmoodle

We have a few practical tips to help you integrate RWTHmoodle into your daily study routine in the best possible way:

  • Use the calendar: Keep an eye on deadlines and exam dates by checking your calendar regularly.
  • Activate notifications: This way you won’t miss any important announcements or new material in your courses.
  • Try out the RWTHapp: The RWTHapp allows you to access your courses from anywhere.
  • Explore the forums: Use the discussion forums to ask questions and interact with fellow students or lecturers.
  • Test the tools: Many courses offer additional features such as interactive quizzes or feedback options – these are often helpful to check your learning progress.

Stay tuned, because in the next article in the Basics at RWTH series, we will introduce you to another important tool that will make your everyday university life easier!


Responsible for the content of this article is Malak Mostafa.

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