Schlagwort: ‘#moodlemonday’
Basics at RWTH: RWTHmoodle

Source: Own Illustration
Welcome to the fourth article in our series: Basics at RWTH. Having already dealt with topics such as the e-mail service, ConnectMe and the IdM self-service, today we are taking a closer look at RWTHmoodle – the central learning platform at RWTH Aachen University.
RWTHmoodle is the hub of learning for many students. Here you will not only find course materials and submission options, but also many other tools that make your everyday study life easier.
Moodle-Templates: Didactical Course Design

Source: Own illustration
Designing course rooms in Moodle can be a challenge – especially for those who are not yet familiar with the platform’s extensive possibilities. It is therefore not surprising that in our last RWTHmoodle user survey in the summer semester, more than two thirds of lecturers expressed great interest in course templates. We take this feedback very seriously and are actively addressing the issue.
RWTHmoodle – Find the Right Guide for You
The RWTHmoodle service is indispensable in everyday study life, both for students and lecturers. It is therefore particularly important for all those involved to ensure suitable access to detailed documentation.
With this in mind, our RWTHmoodle help has been comprehensively revised. Due to the large number of available instructions, it was often difficult in the past to quickly find the right documentation. To simplify this, we have developed a clearly structured and more user-friendly navigation that provides easy and targeted access to the desired Moodle help.
Exam Scan – Digital Inspection

Source: Own Illustration
Digital inspections offer a number of advantages: They save resources by reducing the use of staff, students can participate remotely and receive a copy of the exam without additional effort, which they are allowed to request in accordance with the Higher Education Act in NRW.
In order to be able to use these advantages for paper pencil exams, the IT Center, CLS and the Chair of Controlling at RWTH Aachen University have developed Exam Scan, a Moodle plugin that prepares such exams for digital viewing.
Behind the Scenes – Upgrade to Moodle 4.1
On March 14, 2023 (*), RWTHmoodle will be updated to Moodle version 4.1. We have summarized all changes for our users on the info page.
But what is actually the story behind the change? For a look behind the scenes, we talked to the service manager of RWTHmoodle, Bernd Decker. Read the rest of this entry »
RWTHmoodle – New features in winter semester 2021/22

Photo: Pixabay
Welcome to the winter semester 2021/22!
As in the summer semester 2021, RWTHmoodle offers many new features in the winter semester. Curious already?
Keep scrolling and find out what will be available to you in the winter semester 2021/22. Read the rest of this entry »
RWTHmoodle User Survey 2021

Source: Own illustration
This year’s RWTHmoodle user survey has already started on 07.07.2021. As in previous years, we are asking users who have been authorized and actively used at least one course room during the summer semester to participate. Your experiences with the system and your feedback are especially important to further improve RWTHmoodle and to adapt the support offer accordingly.