
IT Center Blog

Upgrade for Writing Back Exams: In-House Development “MosesInt” Helps

February 5th, 2025 | by

Source: Own Illustration

Do you know how exam dates are organized at RWTH? Every semester, a large number of dates are planned centrally using the “carpe diem!” software and then transferred to RWTHonline – a process known as “exam re-registration”.

Until now, the complex merging of data from both systems has posed a particular challenge.  As the software providers were not yet able to provide an automated solution for the process, the IT Center and the departments involved had to resort to manual workarounds.

Thanks to the “MosesInt” project, this is now a thing of the past! Read more about the new local app “Exam planning and write-back”, which has now been made available, in the article.


Many of the workarounds were replaced by a user-friendly in-house development by the IT Center. The new local app “Klausurplanung und Rückschreibung” in RWTHonline simplifies the entire process, offers new functionalities and makes work easier for various users:

  • The carpe-diem! team
    • can independently view and edit the necessary settings for exam planning and re-enrolment.
    • can generate all exports to check the process.
  • Exam planners in the faculties
    • no longer need to add remote Dynexite exams declared in carpe diem! to RWTHonline: The room resource “Dynexite (online)” is now automatically requested by the exam re-registration in RWTHonline.
  • The e-examination team of Media for Teaching
    • now receives all requests for centrally planned Dynexite remote exams at the time of the exam re-registration.
  • The IT Center
    • can generate a CSV file readable for RWTHonline with merged data from both systems (carpe diem! and RWTHonline) with less effort in order to test and finally carry out the write-back.

We would like to thank all the departments involved for their support and wish them all the best: Good luck and a more relaxed working environment for the next exam write-backs!


Figure: Insight into the RWTHonline application “Klausurplanung und Rückschreibung” - referred to as “MosesInt” in the project: the further integration of the Moses application “carpe-diem!” into the RWTH system landscape

Source: Own Illustration


Responsible for the content of this article are Janin Iglauer and Laura Neisius, Department of Process Management and Digitalization Learning & Teaching


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